One time long fade?

  • #10, by PaupasiaMonday, 24. July 2017, 17:46 8 years ago
    @esmeralda Not for all scenes. I think he speaks only of the scene in which leaves the island to  the next island. Whatever the island.
    Now, I do not know how many islands he must manage. But, for example, on 4 islands are only 8 instructions.  smile
    Also your idea is useful and with only 4 instructions, but maybe he want a "fade out fade in" effect or something like this. Well ... really I don't know what effect is searching for grin

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  • #11, by SimonSMonday, 24. July 2017, 21:45 8 years ago
    sounds great smile

    will it be a fadein/fadeout AP with timings?

    something special here (fade type) ? 
    It just a simple, to visibility / color / fade time

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  • #12, by ygmantellTuesday, 25. July 2017, 21:45 8 years ago
    Sorry for the late reply.  I ended up just using the set fade effect action part before and after the change scene, and that worked perfectly.

    I do, however now need a way of fading the screen to black, doing an action, then fading it back, so I guess the shader toolkit is the way to go.

    Do you by any chance have a time frame for this feature?  It would be so helpful! smile

    Thanks so much everyone!

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  • #13, by esmeraldaWednesday, 26. July 2017, 09:10 8 years ago
    I do, however now need a way of fading the screen to black, doing an action, then fading it back, so I guess the shader toolkit is the way to go.

    Either that or you could create a scene consisting of a black background and change to that scene and back (and setting an fading effect action part).

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  • #14, by afrlmeWednesday, 26. July 2017, 12:51 8 years ago
    Not sure if anyone has already mentioned but you can use the to() tweening function & affect the current scene's brightness value.
    game.CurrentScene:to(3000, {SceneBrightness = 0}) -- fade current scene to black over 3 seconds

    Don't forget to reset it inside of an "at begin of scene" action for the scene otherwise it will be black the next time you visit it.


    7285 Posts

  • #15, by ygmantellWednesday, 26. July 2017, 15:08 8 years ago

    I didn't think of that, that probably would be so much easier.  Thanks!
    I probably would have to hide the character at beginning of that scene, but that would make it easily re-usable.


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  • #16, by SimonSWednesday, 26. July 2017, 15:17 8 years ago
    I will try to get the next version up over the weekend.

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  • #17, by ygmantellWednesday, 26. July 2017, 15:26 8 years ago

    Great Poster

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  • #18, by ygmantellWednesday, 26. July 2017, 16:50 8 years ago
    Okay, so I did exactly as you said, and followed the Wiki, but the shader toolkit still does not work...
    Any ideas?

    Thanks so much!

    EDIT:  Used AFRLme's suggestion of using the code below and it worked perfectly

    ...I guess now I really should start learning Lua... 

    Thanks everyone!
    game.CurrentScene:to(3000, {SceneBrightness = 0}) -- fade current scene to black over 3 seconds

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  • #19, by afrlmeWednesday, 26. July 2017, 17:11 8 years ago
    I think the shadertoolkit on the wiki is still for 4.2.5. If you are using 5.x then you will need the updated shadertoolkit that Simon shared on the forum a while back. I guess we should probably upload that to the wiki at some point or replace the one on the wiki.


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  • #20, by esmeraldaWednesday, 26. July 2017, 17:19 8 years ago
    Here is the link to the updated shadertoolkit for vis5:

    Key Killer

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