Nutzen von 3D Dateien

  • #1, by fabian-schempp-24590Sunday, 29. September 2019, 12:02 5 years ago

    ich würde gerne entweder 3D Charaktere bzw. Elemente nutzen.
    Leider habe ich weder im Forum noch im Wiki nützliche Einträge dazu gefunden.

    Ich habe 3D dateien im collada und fbx format ausprobiert (exportiert aus Blender)
    fbx funktioniert nicht, collada wird angezeigt allerdings werden die animationen nicht korrekt dargestellt.  Ich habe gelsen, dass ASSIMP benutzt wird, allerdings steht nirgendwo welcher Stand der Bibliothek. 

    1. Hat jemand erfahrung damit Animierte 3D Character aus Blender in Visionaire zu importieren.
    2. Gibt es eine Dokumentation wie 3D-Daten bzw. Rigs aufgebaut sein müssen, damit sie in Visionaire funktionieren?
    3. Weiß das jemand welche Version von ASSIMP Visionaire verwendet?


    4 Posts

  • #2, by NigecSunday, 29. September 2019, 14:43 5 years ago
    I've never got Blender to work, maybe try X format?
    This works for Max or C4D
    Assimp, I used

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #3, by fabian-schempp-24590Sunday, 29. September 2019, 16:57 5 years ago
    I've never got Blender to work, maybe try X format?
    This works for Max or C4D
    Assimp, I used seems to be offline.

    On the wiki-Page you posted is mentioned: "... export the model and then animate it in Blender." So it must be possible to export them from Blender. I will try Direct-X Format as you suggested. 


    4 Posts

  • #4, by NigecMonday, 30. September 2019, 11:59 5 years ago
    That's what I used to test with from C4D, if the animition and textures work in theory it should be ok it VS
    I'm not very good with Blender so I may of just got the export settings wrong

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #5, by fabian-schemppThursday, 03. October 2019, 09:22 5 years ago
    That's what I used to test with from C4D, if the animition and textures work in theory it should be ok it VS
    I'm not very good with Blender so I may of just got the export settings wrong

    Cool, I will try if i can get something to work with the viewer. I found out, that for blender 2.79 there is an direct-x format exporter that seems to work. 

    Does anybody know how the shader-tab works? I know how to write glsl shader, but how to apply them to the 3d-models?


    12 Posts

  • #6, by SimonSThursday, 03. October 2019, 09:47 5 years ago
    Shaders can currently not be applied to 3d objects while rendering, only as postprocessing.

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  • #7, by fabian-schemppThursday, 03. October 2019, 16:50 5 years ago
    Shaders can currently not be applied to 3d objects while rendering, only as postprocessing.

    Okay, thats good to know. 
    So you can use shaders to apply fullscreen effects like bloom?


    12 Posts

  • #8, by SimonSFriday, 04. October 2019, 16:16 5 years ago
    Yes, take a look at the shadertoolkit:

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  • #9, by fabian-schemppTuesday, 08. October 2019, 00:34 5 years ago
    After trying a lot of differnt formats and exporters, I managed to get a character with animations work in the assimp viewer (open3mod).
    The "Better Collada Exporter" for blender, made by the Godot-Engine Team works well for that. 

    But sadly even that model does not work in Visionaire Studio.

    Since the assimp viewer is no longer a valid tool for debugging 3D-Models I don't know what else to try. 


    12 Posts

  • #10, by NigecTuesday, 08. October 2019, 13:47 5 years ago
    I tried the Godot thing and couldn't get it to work
    Have you tried Blender 1.49? I seemed to remember Wintermute worked best with the older Blender, I think it had a decent X exporter

    maybe send the model to Simon for debugging?

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #11, by SimonSTuesday, 08. October 2019, 15:54 5 years ago
    Can you send me the output files of your model ? Then I can make it work for the next version.

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