For me the message page seems to be refreshing causing the link buttons not to respondMight be the same for me then. It does send the message & shows the message below after I send, but text doesn't clear from the box & yes it does appear that the page is constantly loading.
EricMatyas account seems to be messed upThank you again for posting these Bugs.
if you look at the "Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 960 Tracks" topic there's no name for the last poster also his name appears twice EricMatyas and EricMatyas.5562, EricMatyas has zero posts but can actually reply
Bits and piece in the blog are in German.. the link to GreenLight in
Lydia is on Greenlight!:
is broken
I noticed the two account things as well but couldn't be bothered to mention it.Now the message-input-box is empty after sending a message
@Calli: could you please force the personal message text input box to clear after sending or replying to a message to someone please? Or maybe have it automatically go back to the message inbox page? Cheers.
Also everytime I use the message system it seems to take ages to load another VS page when I try clicking on one of the menu links. I often end up closing the browser tab & reopening a new tab with VS in it.
its clearing the textbox but also clears the copy of the message sent*DONE*
its clearing the textbox but also clears the copy of the message sent*DONE*
It was me who added the short news area above the forum, lee.
P.P.S: in regards to the new blog / news blocks you've added above the forum section, I recommend shortening the title with php text shortener thing then display the full title inside of a tooltip on mouse hover. Also maybe consider changing the text comment amount to some icons instead? Maybe add a comment & views icon or something. I think it would look much neater. Also maybe consider adding some styling to the tooltips, like the speech bubble tooltips you had on the previous forum / website.