Thanks so much for your super helpful reply!
One of the main reasons I had no worries buying this was seeing how helpful you blokes are on the forums. I bookmarked a ton of forum topics to save me wasting your time asking the 30th "what resolution...." question (which I did do, sorry!)
I've managed to 'master' most of my object issues.
My progress:
- Scene Object order! (didn't know about the auto arrange though - thanks!)
- Scene Object areas/centres! (thinking about having all the semi transparent hidden objects on the main background art, then having object areas with a condition to display a fully visible image once clicked on. These will be additional to the actual hidden objects, just logo's hidden in the art that will light up when found.)
- Scene Object Conditions and Actions! (the player walks around, clicks on the hidden objects and they disappear. Working on figuring out how to add other kinds of actions next - text, animation, sfx, etc with the tutorial.
- 2d Animation! (I ended up going with the CrazyTalk7, CrazyTalk Animator 2, and Facial Filter3 black friday bundle over messing with AfterEffects or something like Spine or Blender just yet.. Managed to get basic walking animations made and imported into VS. Need to mess with this more, getting a slightly blurry character, I think I need to make the animation images bigger.)
- Menu design! (I really like that sliding Deponia menu, and am going to attempt that with my in-game Ipad menu system. I'm thinking I just link a save button in there that calls up the Save Game menu scene example you've given.
Going to watch some more youtube vids for ideas of what's possible, like a 'quest log', 'collectables screen', 'message screen' and best way to build them. Got a fair bit of concept art done for these screens, so I'll start delving into that soon.)
- I really like the idea of making the list out of images of the object! That's awesome! That will be my next focus, designing and implementing that. Super pumped!
As I have a basic scene 'playable', with a handful of 'hidden' objects that can be clicked to be removed, I'm going to attempt a build, and post it here.
So funny, 5 seconds of 'gameplay' but I have learned hundreds of hours of basic game development tools, how to 'draw', photoshop, illustrator, crazytalk, and of course VS!
Thanks again man!
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