need developers and designers to create me a point and click game

  • #1, by ilyxy-pba50Wednesday, 02. May 2018, 09:17 6 years ago
    Hello i am looking for a developer/designer to create a point and click game, it will be based on my book (short sci-fi story (25,000 words) about a father and his young 7 year old daughter escaping for a deserted city on the moon and back to earth.

    Once my book is completed i will send you a free copy. I will do all my funding on kickstarter and all the money will be given to you to make my game if successfully funded. The game will be for PC, I will be selling it as commercial purposes as a digital game. So you will need a pro version of this game engine so i can fund the game unlimited funding.

    Once game has completed and ready for published the game profits will all go to me, but you will be fully credit as the developer and designer for the game and can promote my game and mention you as the developer and designer for my game. I will give you full details soon.

    Please give me a 'price' on how much you want to make me the game from start to finish. I then will go to to fund the project and if successful the money will go to you to make the game for me. I’m really looking forward to this project and hope we can make this game.

    I have one good person in mind to make my game which is this game developer as i like the style and the close up of character, movements of character, environment graphics ect:
    Where is my family

    But just incase his not available (I have contacted him still waiting for his reply) i will choose any developers/designers on here (best ones on here), but the type of game will be like the link of the developer/designer above, i really like the camera view and how you can see the character really well, as the characters should be viewed well as my game will be focused on the characters and the story.

    if anyone is interested please comment on here and show me your folio of work, once my book has completed i will then decide who to choose and I will send a free copy of my book to you (which includes illustrations of the characters so you know what they look like to design them for the game) I will also give you a complete document of what the gameplay should be, characters, environment of what they look like and other important stuff ect.

    Thanks Mark Fox Looking forward for your reply.


    7 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 02. May 2018, 13:27 6 years ago
    Wait, the book isn't finished yet? & you are automatically assuming that your Kickstarter campaign will be funded? & you think that whatever fee someone requests for working on your game will get funded on Kickstarter?

    Sorry to shatter your dreams but funding point & click adventure games on Kickstarter is not very easy these days. 2 or 3 years ago people would have jumped on them no problem, but nowadays it's hard to fund projects by unknowns or relatively unknown developers/studios unless the game/project is something amazing; & I do mean amazing.

    My biggest gripe is that you expect someone to do a lot of work for free on your project with the promise of getting the Kickstarter funds. What if the Kickstarter fails? What you are asking for is some poor schmuck to work based on royalties & even if the Kickstarter campaign is a success you expect to take all the money from sales for yourself despite them doing the majority of the work bar the story & dialogs.

    How long do you expect someone to take to make your game? a week? a month? a few months? a year? 2 years? because it's taken the person you are talking about a few years or more to get the current stage of his game because he's working alone as far as I'm aware. Game development is very time consuming - especially for individuals & small groups of people because they lack the time & resources to pump out games like larger studios, though the time factor really depends on the game, length, content & art style.

    & by the way, none of us on here have the professional license. The professional license is a per game/title license. If your Kickstarter campaign is a success then you would use some of your funds to purchase it. Just thank yourself lucky that it's not as expensive as it used to be because it used to cost around 4x the current price or so.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by MachtnixWednesday, 02. May 2018, 15:09 6 years ago
    All games which were planned by "friends" on the net have been died after weeks. You need personal contact, some inbetween beer and a burning idea, believe me. A good game takes a year or two. You need soundmakers, writers, scripters, beta-testers, artists and someone who makes a good storytelling for games, that's not that simple. 

    If your part is "only" the book (.. sorry for that, it may be a good story), forget it. I have ten ideas for myself every week, but only one life to realize them. Every artist wants to realize his ideas first, so there will start a battle later, especially graphic style or characterdesign (artists are opera divas...). And patience for back strikes. And more patience. And patience... You have to challenge the artist's good will and motivation, not least with money or like this ...

    Yes, hard words. Excuse me. Good Luck anyway.

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  • #4, by ilyxy-pba50Wednesday, 02. May 2018, 15:10 6 years ago
    "My biggest gripe is that you expect someone to do a lot of work for free on your project with the promise of getting the Kickstarter funds. What if the Kickstarter fails? What you are asking for is some poor schmuck to work based on royalties & even if the Kickstarter campaign is a success you expect to take all the money from sales for yourself despite them doing the majority of the work bar the story & dialogs."

    I never said any developers to work for FREE. And i never would take any of the royalties for myself. The money earn through kickstarter will go straight to the developers and designers. They will set the price then i will kickstart the project and if its successful they will get the money of how much they wanted the game for. They will only start working when i have paid them the full amount if the kickstarter fails then they dont start on the game at all. So where is the lost to the developers and designers. The kickstarter funds is for myself as i cant afford 10s of thousands of dollars. If i had the money myself i would pay all by myself. There are lots of companies you do make games for people.

    You are making stuff up in which i never said saying they will only work on royalties or asking them to work for free. And accusing me that i will take the money. How are they losing when they wont even start the game until i pay them in full. The developers and designers will set the price themselves and then its up to me to pay them the money doesnt matter if i get the money through funding or out of my own pocket.


    7 Posts

  • #5, by ilyxy-pba50Wednesday, 02. May 2018, 15:41 6 years ago
    Dont get why everyone is so offended. There are people freelancers even companies out there that makes games for people. Im not a game developer so i need to hire game developers and designers they set the price themselves then i will pay them what they want to make me a completed game it can costs lost of money, how i get the money is up to me if i fund it or out of my own pocket. The price they want they will get paid. So what are these stupid comments saying 'work for free' only working through funding, if funding unsuccessful they at a loss (what lost??? They dont even start the game until they get paid the full amount)

    Say for example a team or someone wants $100,000 for them to create a game for me. I pay them that exact amount they wanted either through funding or out of my own pocket. Tell me how are the developers losing? Losing what?


    7 Posts

  • #6, by MachtnixWednesday, 02. May 2018, 16:03 6 years ago
    I'm not offended. I think it's better to tell the truth BEFORE. Artists can work two ways: as a fulltime job to live from or after an eight hour day for "friends" as a hobby (if this is allowed or possible...). First I want 15-20 Euros an hour (brutto) at least, second I want like fun or being in the credits, challenge to solve problems or helping good friends to get back later (maybe for painting my walls). Thats all. Even very professionals have problems to pay their employees...

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  • #7, by wimfWednesday, 02. May 2018, 16:38 6 years ago
    Hello. It's nice to have quoted my game. I just finished the closed beta that will be tested in the coming days. I confirm the duration of development of this kind of game It took me 3 years to reach the end of the project and the Kickstarter campaign that I launched failed. So I went on doing everything alone and I did it. I still had a good support on this forum when I blocked on various small things, thank you all.

    PS: Mark, I answered you privately.

    Forum Fan

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  • #8, by ilyxy-pba50Wednesday, 02. May 2018, 16:48 6 years ago
    Hello. It's nice to have quoted my game. I just finished the closed beta that will be tested in the coming days. I confirm the duration of development of this kind of game It took me 3 years to reach the end of the project and the Kickstarter campaign that I launched failed. So I went on doing everything alone and I did it. I still had a good support on this forum when I blocked on various small things, thank you all.

    PS: Mark, I answered you privately.

    thank you (: your a legend. Best of luck with your game, I love the demo. I really love your gamplay style and your graphics.


    7 Posts

  • #9, by NigecWednesday, 02. May 2018, 16:56 6 years ago
    I think any game engine support forum would tell you the same thing, the trust has gone with Kickstarter, earlier in the week I noticed another funded one seems to of pissed off leaving a load of unhappy people and that game looked well underway.
    Its very hard to find like minded people and unless you can be a "jack of all trades" it can be a very bumpy ride, people will let you down or life throws in a spanner
    I can't recall the game but an artist took the developer for £100.000 so this can swing both ways

    Key Killer

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  • #10, by afrlmeWednesday, 02. May 2018, 17:07 6 years ago
    Kickstarter funds equals royalties. If you aren't paying someone for the hours/time they work & are instead using the promise of x funds from y source then it's royalty based work.

    I charge between €20 & €35 per hour depending on various factors for freelance work. I'm already locked to some royalty based project for the past 2 years now & a lot of the time I feel very irritated that I agreed to work on it. I expected it to take x amount of time, but various things kept cropping up & time just seems to drift on & on.

    Motivation is one of the biggest issues when working with people long distance, especially if they aren't being provided with an incentive to keep chugging away on the project. Frequent money/gifts helps. Talking with/encouraging them constantly helps, but may piss them off if it's too frequent or not frequent enough.

    As for those companies you are talking about that offer those services, I'm fairly certain they would expect a retainer fee up front.

    Now in regards to Kickstarter. 3-4 years ago point & click games were very popular on there, but over the past couple of years they have fallen from grace for various reasons. It's very hard to get point & click games funded on there unless you set the base goal fairly low - the aesthetics of the game will play a large role in peoples interests, a technical demo of the game would also help, as would a lot of promotion & word of mouth before the Kickstarter launches. Simply creating a Kickstarter campaign & expecting to be funded, is not enough. $100k is a large sum to ask for from an unknown developer/studio. Hell $20k would probably be pushing it. Also let's not forget that Kickstarter take at least 4% of whatever you earn via it as tax, paypal or the bank will also take their cut too. You would need to put some of that money aside for voice actors, music producers/sound designers, audio mastering services & other things too.

    The reason I took offense is because you are what we term as the idea guy, you write a story or come up with an idea & expect other people to work on it for you without bothering to get your hands dirty yourself. Visionaire was designed with artists & non-programmers in mind, so there's no reason you couldn't have a go at sorting out the development side yourself.


    7283 Posts

  • #11, by sebastianWednesday, 02. May 2018, 21:37 6 years ago
    first of all: welcome to the forum smile

    As you can see there are very mixed feelings about your presentation. All in all i am not sure if your idea is well thought out. You plan to give the fundings from a kickstarter campaign to the developer who would build your game. Then how does the kickstarter campaign will look like? You would have nothing to present because the development would likeley start only if funding is successful. And i assume noone will back a game were you only show of some concepts, ideas or dreams. This went never well. 
    Thats what it sounded like in your first post. So there would definitely be some money involved before you can start a campaign anyway. And this is not clearly mentioned. 

    Also the part with "all game sales money goes to me, you get credit" sounds very disrespectul. 
    Of course there should be an agreement of what would a dev get paid and for what, but in combination with your whole presentation it made me feel very sad on how some people see the work of making games. 
    Either get freelancers to work on parts of your game and pay them for these or let a whole game be developed, but then let them be part of the success of the sales...
    At least thats how i see it. 

    So if you really plan to get this done by external people completely, you would definitely make these things more clear. Also your topic lacks a lot of reasons why exactly someone should make a game for you besides "i will give you the funding money (-tax, - kickstarter provision, etc)". 
    What is the game idea about? (1:1 book story recreation or something else?), How long should it take to play, what are your expectations to the game ? what are your expectations to the dev? , how long do you plan for its production (which may varies from the real time which is needed, but here probable devs can estimate what is doable)... 

    Good luck anyway =) 


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