I think they are touting for work. But aye it would be appreciated if you kept it all to a single thread. Also I'm going to be blunt - as it's what I do best...
While what you have created is better than I could currently create (I have zero experience with creating 3D graphics & animations) I feel that it's not high quality enough that anyone here or elsewhere will take your offer for working on graphics for other peoples games seriously. You really need to step-up your game & come up with some much more detailed artwork with much higher polygon counts & higher resolution textures.
I'm also fairly certain some of the things in your screenshots are asset/model flips. For example the skeleton. Based on the rest of the screenshots you've shared recently I believe it's an existing model that you have slapped a glowing light orb thing onto. For 3D graphics to look good you've got to try to be consistent in the quality & texture detail throughout. Banging a few premade 3D models/resources into a scene/image is not enough. If you plan on using existing assets then you need to personalize them & make them your own otherwise you are basically creating asset flip shovelware.
Lastly, about all I can say is good luck with your game & freelance 3D graphic services as you are really going to need it. Just keep practicing & don't leap before you look!