#2, by afrlmeTuesday, 13. May 2014, 13:37 11 years ago
You can't move objects or static images... only animations. You can however also move the object polygon with Lua besides the animation image; I've seen it done in Divo's drag & drop script, where he allowed us to move the big boulders into new positions on the scene & then re-click & drag them from the new positions too.
Simple solution if you aren't too bothered about anything fancy is to create 2 objects. One with the letter in the first position & then another with the letter in the other position & then use conditions to determine which should be shown or an if query & value or condition to determine which to fade in, & which to fade out.
#3, by divas1980Tuesday, 13. May 2014, 14:28 11 years ago
the problem is the letter is very large and i have need it scroll on windows.. i can try use image like background on the scene and then scroll down game..
#5, by divas1980Tuesday, 13. May 2014, 15:04 11 years ago
tk for help but i solve the problem in the scene background image i used the background with the letter and in the action of the scene i used at beginning scene action pause and scroll scene to position tk AFRLme