Mixamo Fuse?

  • #1, by ygmantellMonday, 03. August 2015, 02:01 10 years ago
    Does anybody know if characters made in Mixamo fuse would be ready for direct import into Vis?

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  • #2, by afrlmeMonday, 03. August 2015, 13:30 10 years ago
    We do support some of the export formats listed on the page, but I'm not sure they all work correctly. If I remember correctly the most supported format was .x. I think .dae is also supported but not sure how well it works in VS. To be honest I'm not very savvy on the 3D side of the engine as I don't use it.


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  • #3, by gustyMonday, 03. August 2015, 23:11 10 years ago
    I'm also using Mixamo Fuse but due to 3D feature imperfection in the engine I would load all Fuse models into my rendering software in order to render out bitmap images and use those in VS as simple 2D characters instead of 3D models. I'm giving at least a year to this 3D character feature to be sharp, bugless and production-ready.

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  • #4, by ygmantellMonday, 03. August 2015, 23:30 10 years ago
    Gusty, do you use all of the frames in the walk cycle to make it just as smooth as it would be if it was actual 3d, or do you just stick with an 8 frame cycle as you would with 2D?

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  • #5, by gustyMonday, 03. August 2015, 23:56 10 years ago
    well, it really doesn't matter how many frames you use on walking cycle as it will never be smooth movement in terms of overall impression because of no support of rotating character and starting-stopping animation of walk. But this only apply on 3D rendered type of graphics (mine case unfortunately), cartoon or hand-drawn style still looks good no matter how many frames you are using.

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  • #6, by ygmantellTuesday, 04. August 2015, 00:13 10 years ago
    are there any examples you can give of a 3d character without rotation animation, just so I could see?

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  • #7, by gustyTuesday, 04. August 2015, 00:33 10 years ago
    you can see it here:
    starts on 00.40
    It is game that runs on Visionaire by AkcayKaraazmak from this forum. Actually I believe he uses 3D characters but things I talked about (absence of starting/stopping animation & no turning animation) applies for 2D and 3D characters as well.
    You can clearly see those "twitching" moments when player change direction with mouse click, it ruins that beautiful game art and atmosphere completely. It's such a disgrace. Unspeakable technical disgrace you can't do anything about from artist/animator point of view.

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  • #8, by AkcayKaraazmakTuesday, 04. August 2015, 14:00 10 years ago
    With Simon's help, I've added rotation to the 3d characters with his script. Its better then before but its still not good enough. For 3d support, Vis need some updates.

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  • #9, by AkcayKaraazmakTuesday, 04. August 2015, 14:03 10 years ago
    @ ygmantell, if you could export the mixomo char as .x or .dae then you can use it in Vis. But when you r exporting you should tell in exporter options, that which frames are for which animation cycle

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  • #10, by ygmantellTuesday, 04. August 2015, 16:29 10 years ago
    When I export in which software Mixamo or Vis? Also, There is no option the export mixamo characters as a .x file, only .dae.

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  • #11, by SimonSTuesday, 04. August 2015, 16:53 10 years ago
    Dae ist supported, you may need to change the texture paths in the dae, you can open it with any xml editor.

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