Mac osx saving issue

  • #10, by gabartsSaturday, 08. July 2017, 14:32 8 years ago
    Ok, have you already had a look at the project file? That interaction bug...

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  • #11, by sebastianSaturday, 08. July 2017, 14:37 8 years ago
    Ok, have you already had a look at the project file? That interaction bug...

    sorry, not yet. I am doing some extensive pixelart stuff right now and didn't got any time to do things in VS.
    By just only reading you PM you need to use the "set character to position" action part to "teleport" a char to another scene + position. Maybe this is already the solutiom.

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  • #12, by gabartsSunday, 09. July 2017, 08:14 8 years ago
    Weird enough, I've tried also that and yes, is working on Mac, not working on Windows. Character keeps going to another direction clicking on on the other "teleported" character.
    The very same conditions, values on Mac and Windows. Too weird.

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  • #13, by sebastianSunday, 09. July 2017, 11:12 8 years ago
    Im afraid i understood your question in the message wrong. The scene switching works, but the interaction with the character is different on macOS and windows?
    I only can test on a mac, so for me it works i guess. Also im not able to test it because i dont have any savegames or clue how to reach the mentioned end sequence.

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