I used the display text narration feature for all text displayed. You can ask to Lee, I used his keyboard system.
In the quiz puzzle, every question passed is 1 point (Value), after the 20th question I check the value. If it's 20 then I assign a random number to RandomCode variable and then I display the variable with
@Simon_ASA. Are you sure that in windows it works fine?
We have the issue just with RandomCode variable or with all texts too?
The random code is generated with a LUA script. I don't know this script myself, so if you need to know more I would have to ask Andy.
No, the random code is created with a random variable in Value tab of the scene, not with lua and it's displayed with Display text narration (using the Lee's loop system).
About the pc forte puzzle, I used the same system, when the player clicks on enter key on the keyboard, the lua scripts vk_cmd_enter checks if the string is ok and loads the correct scene.
However, if the issue is the text not displayed, it's not a lua issue. I never show the text with lua.
Sorry but now I'm working and I can't see the game editor...