Linux or Mac issues with ASA Remastered

  • #1, by Simon_ASAMonday, 09. March 2015, 08:49 10 years ago
    It seems I sent my message to the Deutsch forums and it has disapeard for me :S
    I try again ^^

    Linux dependencies or requirements
    by Simon_ASA · Sunday, 08. March, 22:01 h ~ 10 hours ago

    Hi, are there specific packages or requirements needed to install before to play a VS game in Linux?
    ASA Remastered is working quite well for Linux users, but they have found a bug that doesn't exist in Windows:

    This is the bug:
    In the game, there is a quiz. If you find all the good answers, a code number is created randomly (a 5 numbers code). What happens on Linux is that the code doesn't appear, the screen stays blank (empty).

    The random code is generated with a LUA script. I don't know this script myself, so if you need to know more I would have to ask Andy.

    Any ideas for the moment?

    Edit: after discussing with this person, it appears that the problem is not the code itself. It is probably generated, but it does not display. He had other problems of text display. We have to find why the texts won't show on Linux.

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  • #2, by SimonSMonday, 09. March 2015, 08:58 10 years ago
    You can switch off that the forum hides posts from other language with the cog wheel on the top.

    As for the problem, at first I thought it was because of ttfs, but I see you don't use them. I couldn't find the generation code in the ved, would you point me there ? (Too much scenes....) Also some scripts are very lengthy... Maybe you could add print statements, to see where the problem arises.

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  • #3, by Simon_ASAMonday, 09. March 2015, 09:12 10 years ago
    In fact it's not because of the generation script. That's what I thought first, but as I said this morning in the "Edit" part, all the texts in the puzzles (narration texts forced in puzzles) are not displaying well for him. I need to ask Andy which code he used.

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  • #4, by andy-rinaldiMonday, 09. March 2015, 10:48 10 years ago
    I used the display text narration feature for all text displayed. You can ask to Lee, I used his keyboard system.
    In the quiz puzzle, every question passed is 1 point (Value), after the 20th question I check the value. If it's 20 then I assign a random number to RandomCode variable and then I display the variable with

    @Simon_ASA. Are you sure that in windows it works fine?
    We have the issue just with RandomCode variable or with all texts too?
    The random code is generated with a LUA script. I don't know this script myself, so if you need to know more I would have to ask Andy.

    No, the random code is created with a random variable in Value tab of the scene, not with lua and it's displayed with Display text narration (using the Lee's loop system).
    About the pc forte puzzle, I used the same system, when the player clicks on enter key on the keyboard, the lua scripts vk_cmd_enter checks if the string is ok and loads the correct scene.
    However, if the issue is the text not displayed, it's not a lua issue. I never show the text with lua.
    Sorry but now I'm working and I can't see the game editor...

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  • #5, by Simon_ASAMonday, 09. March 2015, 11:23 10 years ago
    Thanks for your reply Andy!

    Please forget about the generated code. As we learned earlier, it is only a problem of display. I am almost sure that the code IS generated, because he confirmed me he could not see the other texts of the game (on PC Forte for example).

    Is there a reason why the narration texts would not display on Linux? Drivers, package to install, C++ thing, or any other reason?

    Honestly I know nothing about Linux but I hope we'll find a solution. I looked at the Deponia forums on Steam and I saw there is a thread dedicated to Linux. I have searched inside for a solution, but the problems listed are different.

    I have now more details about the machine: it's Linux Mint 17 (64-bit)
    I had never heard of Mint 17, all I know is Ubuntu. Maybe there's something to find here? I'll make a few research.

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  • #6, by Simon_ASAMonday, 09. March 2015, 18:27 10 years ago
    I have confirmation that the display narration texts don't work. I can't find a reason why they don't show on Linux. Does anyone have the same problem?

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  • #7, by BigStansTuesday, 10. March 2015, 00:26 10 years ago
    It's an bug with bordered TTF fonts.
    Disable the borders in the Font options in your project and it works.
    Linux dependencies are:
    openAL with GL.
    modify the start wrapper script and start the game smile

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  • #8, by Simon_ASATuesday, 10. March 2015, 22:02 10 years ago
    Thanks BigStans.

    I have sent the info about Linux dependencies to the person who has a problem with the game, and this is reply:

    my system already meets all of those requirements. I have OpenAL (and OpenGL), I have all of the permissions necessary for the "start" script, and my glibc version is 2.19.

    Regarding the bug with bordered TTF fonts, does it require to rebuild the game? Is it not possible to disable the borders in the game without building from VS and uploading again?

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  • #9, by afrlmeTuesday, 10. March 2015, 22:13 10 years ago
    You only have to send them an updated .vis file with the borders disabled. If you were clever in advance & exported everything out into different files as opposed to everything in the main .vis file, then the file shouldn't be that large.


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  • #10, by Simon_ASAWednesday, 11. March 2015, 14:45 10 years ago
    So kindly said! All people can't be clever without learning.

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  • #11, by afrlmeWednesday, 11. March 2015, 14:50 10 years ago
    Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not! grin

    By clever I was referring to using a bit of advanced forethought.


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