Lightmap tutorial?

  • #1, by tristan-kangSaturday, 17. October 2015, 20:39 10 years ago
    I've been checking wiki but I couldn't find tutorial for lightmap. Even in Actionparts in manual page it's been explained as...

    Set lightmap
    Sets the light map (see Light map in Scene <-- need to add page for this later!) for the selected scene.

    And the page has not been added yet. grin

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  • #2, by sebastianSunday, 18. October 2015, 11:29 10 years ago

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  • #3, by afrlmeSunday, 18. October 2015, 12:08 10 years ago

    Really old, but some of it is still valid. wink

    Quick note: light maps work based on character positions in the scene, which in turn depends on where you set the character animation center for each of the characters animations (usually somewhere near the feet). The engine checks if a light map is assigned to the scene & then checks the position of the character against the light map & then tints the character based on the color found at the pixel coordinates of where the character is standing.

    P.S: this tints the entire character.

    P.P.S: it's a good idea to add feathering as shown in the examples on the glenfx tutorial page as it allows the player tint to smoothly change from one tint to another as opposed to instantly snapping between tints.

    P.P.P.S: it's actually possible to tint your characters manually using Lua script instead of using light maps, although light maps are definitely much less complicated.


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by tristan-kangSunday, 18. October 2015, 14:15 10 years ago
    it's actually possible to tint your characters manually using Lua script instead of using light maps, although light maps are definitely much less complicated.

    Hmps. I'd rather try it. Where is the information about it?

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  • #5, by afrlmeSunday, 18. October 2015, 14:24 10 years ago
    There isn't really much information on it. Just what's written about CharacterTint in the data structure page on the wiki.

    Characters["Tom"].Tint = 0xFF0000 -- according to data structure info block this tints character light blue (not tested but that hex value should actually be red not blue).


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  • #6, by sebastianSunday, 18. October 2015, 21:29 10 years ago
    someone has to update the guide / tutorial for 4.x
    i would try it but i don't know if its the right time now because the whole interface may change in one of the next updates as far as i know...

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  • #7, by tristan-kangSunday, 18. October 2015, 21:33 10 years ago
    Yeah, it should be updated for current version.

    Actually I tried the lightmap but it just tints the character completely dark. I just put the light image instead. Wanted to see the character is... um...

    I hope this thing ( implemented to VS someday later. Like Shadertoolkit has been implemented.

    And well I saw your comment on there. grin

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  • #8, by sebastianSunday, 18. October 2015, 21:54 10 years ago
    how is your lightmap file looking? as far as i know it adds the color in the lightmap to the sptite. so complete black will make the sprite also completely black...

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  • #9, by afrlmeSunday, 18. October 2015, 21:55 10 years ago
    Yeah, it should be updated for current version.

    Actually I tried the lightmap but it just tints the character completely dark. I just put the light image instead. Wanted to see the character is... um...

    I hope this thing ( implemented to VS someday later. Like Shadertoolkit has been implemented.

    And well I saw your comment on there. grin

    What do you mean the light map tinted the character black? You must not have done it correctly.

    P.S: not sure about what you mentioned in the link, but Spine support should be coming to an update near you real soon.

    As for the tutorial update... not much point. A new GUI is planned. I can't say how long it will take, but on the other hand I don't want to waste time creating an updated tutorial & then have to redo it again in a few months or whatever. I'm not made of time.


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  • #10, by ke4Sunday, 18. October 2015, 22:04 10 years ago
    I think you can't create an empty alpha image with some darker areas, but set some solid grey color as background and then create darker areas on that.
    Not sure though but i remeber i had also problem with black tinted character.

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  • #11, by tristan-kangSunday, 18. October 2015, 22:10 10 years ago
    This is the latest tried version of the image. It doesn't tint character black, but it does tint character purple (just like it's background image). And the light effects didn't work.

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