My game is closed to the alpha version, so I'm trying to change as less as possible to avoid problems. I'll give a look at Sebastian's video anyway, even if I'm still sticking to Visionaire 4!
As for now, I thought about a different approach and I'll share it with you (maybe it can help somebody with my same problem). It's a bit of a pain but it looks like it could work:
1-In the main settings I've set the "activate standard command" to NEVER;
2-In EVERY interactive scene object I put an "item dropped/any" command calling the random sentence action. This action only contains a randomly set value and a series of sentences the "narrator" will say;
3-In the successfull execution actions there are two possibilities:
a) The action will eventually remove the item from the character. In this case you don't have to do anything;
b) The item won't be removed from the inventory. In this case you may want the item to stop being dragged, but you can achieve it simply by adding a "set item/empty" action part.
As I mentioned it is a bit of a pain because you have to insert an "item dropped/any" command in every single interactive object, but then again, it seems to work fine.