Könntet Ihr das genauer erklären? Wo genau muss ich was eingeben?
Wenn "VGameHorizontalScrollDistance, 50" für das Horizontale scrollen ist,
ist "VGameVertikalScrollDistance, 50" für das vertikale scrollen?
Wäre schön, eine genauere Antwort zu bekommen.
The horizontal & vertical scroll distance is the amount of pixels from the sides & top/bottom of the screen in which the character or mouse needs to enter to make the scene scroll.
you need to add it inside of an execute a script action part or an execution script or inside of a function of a definition script.
action, script > execute a script
-- set new horizontal scroll distance...
game:setValue(VGameHorizontalScrollDistance, 50)
-- set new vertical scroll distance...
game:setValue(VGameVerticalScrollDistance, 50)
All the data structure commands & lua script code are
always done in English.