inventory question

  • #1, by blanoTuesday, 29. August 2023, 08:46 A year ago
    Hello you all,

    it's a lot of time since i posted last time.

    Here my question:

    i've a charachter with 2 different inventories, is there any way to decide where to store an item, choosing wich inventory to use?

    Tank you guys


    68 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 29. August 2023, 12:45 A year ago
    Are both inventories supposed to be visible at the same time or can only one be seen at time?

    If the answer is the latter then you could setup 2 additional characters & use one for the main inventory & the other for whatever the other inventory is supposed to be & add the relevant items to each of those characters instead of adding them to the main character, because you can just update the main characters inventory to be the same as either of the two mule characters inventories with a single line of code just before you show the inventory that you want to open. Here's the line of code... (use in an execute a script action part)

    game.CurrentCharacter.Items = Characters["Tom"].Items

    & that's it. Pretty simple no?


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by blanoTuesday, 29. August 2023, 15:26 A year ago
    Thank you for the response!
    the inventories are two, one for each hand (a slot per hand also... but i've some ideas for that) and yes iwish to have both visible at the same time.

    is there a way tho show up both?


    68 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 29. August 2023, 20:05 A year ago
    No, you can only have one inventory active at a time. You could however create one as a regular interface with buttons & images/animations linked to the buttons & control what is visible by updating conditions assigned to each of the buttons - however dynamically positioning them requires scripting, so you would probably have to create them in fixed positions in the interface, unless you know how to script or can get someone to script it for you.


    7285 Posts