inventory problems

  • #1, by jetsetwillySunday, 01. February 2015, 21:35 10 years ago
    i have 2 interfaces one for the commands walk, look,use,talk and one inventory with 5 place holders . my command interface seems to do the job but my inventory :
    i can't drag an item or use a item with an other, when the cursor is on the item no text displays. i can't put a active and inactive image for de item scroller button. i think it"s un bug because of my pointers..


    69 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSSunday, 01. February 2015, 23:06 10 years ago
    Ensure that you have set "Items can be dragged" in your game options, also the command you use must allow dragging and be appliable to objects.

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    1582 Posts

  • #3, by jetsetwillyMonday, 02. February 2015, 14:34 10 years ago
    item can be dragged is checked by me it's a nother problem i don't know, can i make just one interface instead 2 for the inventory and the commands?


    69 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 02. February 2015, 14:37 10 years ago
    Sure you can add the inventory to the same interface as your commands. Command buttons work in independently from the interface background & area defined anyway, so it doesn't really matter what the interface contains or the interface area that is set.


    7283 Posts

  • #5, by jetsetwillyMonday, 02. February 2015, 14:37 10 years ago
    i have 4 pointers i want to use look ans use for the inventory


    69 Posts