In-game text not visible on OSX?

  • #1, by vocalnickSunday, 19. July 2015, 01:13 10 years ago
    Hi folks,

    I'm on the free version, just dipping my toes into the engine for the moment. I downloaded Visionaire Studio for OSX, plus Andi Liddel's "Fantasy Quest" project. It all works fine, except that when I run the game by pressing F9, none of the dialogue or description/verb text is visible.

    I tried the Windows version on my Boot Camp Windows 10 partition and all is well, but my graphics tools are all on the OSX side, so if I move ahead with Visionaire I think I'd prefer to get the OSX stuff working.

    Is this a known issue, or have I messed something up?



    4 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianSunday, 19. July 2015, 01:54 10 years ago
    its a bug in displaying ttf fonts with shadows and borders active on osx.

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #3, by vocalnickSunday, 19. July 2015, 03:09 10 years ago
    Ahhh ok, thanks smile Do you know if that would be an issue in compiled games as well, or just in the editor?

    Is there a master list of known bugs/issues so I don't have to keep bothering the forum with newbie questions? razz


    4 Posts

  • #4, by LebosteinSunday, 19. July 2015, 06:27 10 years ago
    Visionaire should change the update routine. Why there are no hot fixes for serious bugs? At the moment the users have to wait for the next main release.

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeSunday, 19. July 2015, 11:26 10 years ago
    Some of the bugs persist due to the devs having to wait for updates from creators of third party libs & so on. Like most of the editor related bugs due to wxwidgets, which the devs can do nothing about until wxwidgets has a new release or the devs rip out wxwidgets & create their own custom GUI.


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by vocalnickMonday, 20. July 2015, 10:05 10 years ago
    Thanks for the responses smile

    Any other noteworthy bugs in the OS X build that are worth knowing about? I'm just learning the editor, and I can live without shadows/borders on TTF fonts for the moment, but it would be very annoying trying to learn the platform when there are other issues that I don't know about, second guessing whether I'd messed something up or not...

    I've had a pretty thorough look around the site/forum, but I can't find a bugs/known issues listed anywhere.


    4 Posts

  • #7, by sebastianMonday, 20. July 2015, 10:27 10 years ago
    ive experienced a very annoying bug which crashes the editor when pasting a copied action but no action in the "new" list is selected under it can be pasted.

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    2346 Posts

  • #8, by LebosteinMonday, 20. July 2015, 10:54 10 years ago
    ive experienced a very annoying bug which crashes the editor when pasting a copied action but no action in the "new" list is selected under it can be pasted.

    Yes, that is an old thing. I have this crash over and over again. I use copy/past only, if at least one action part is in the list. I think the problem on Mac OS is, you can not select an empty list. The editor don't know which list is the current and crash.

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #9, by afrlmeMonday, 20. July 2015, 11:44 10 years ago
    That happens on windows sometimes too, when you accidentally try pasting nothing. I'll forget I emptied the clipboard by copying something on windows or something that no longer exists then I'll paste it into somewhere thinking I've still got an action in the clipboard, then lights out!

    Anyway... for mac users: I would recommend using the windows version of the editor on a windows machine if possible or in a VM (if you don't have a windows machine) - well at least until the mac os editor is a lot more stable. In comparison to the windows editor, it still has a long way to go to become as stable / working from what I've seen when I had a go with mac editor.

    Hopefully it will be a lot more stable once the devs manage to rip out & replace WxWidgets - bane of most editor related bugs on both windows & osx! grin


    7285 Posts

  • #10, by vocalnickMonday, 20. July 2015, 12:29 10 years ago
    Good info - thanks. Might stick with Windows while I'm learning the ropes smile


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