How we can create an extra interface?

  • #1, by AkcayKaraazmakSunday, 06. December 2015, 13:52 9 years ago
    Hi guys,

    Is it possible to create an extra custom interface? In interface menu, as I see I can only create interfaces for the classes "main, inventory, secondary, options and misc". Which I already used all. Now I need to create another interface with a different class then the ones in dropdown list. I want to create a panel to call in the scenes and if I sign a class misc for it and call it in the scene then 2 interface will shown up because they share same class. Thats why I need a interface with a different class or with out a class smile

    Any ideas?

    Cheers smile

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  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 06. December 2015, 14:02 9 years ago
    You used to be able to create additional interface classed via the explorer tool. You'll find it under the menu somewhere. The last time I tried it though it didn't work. I ended up opening up the ved in sublime text & manually copy / pasting in the xml code for one of the existing classes / interfaces & then I adjusted the class name & id values.

    There are some threads on here somewhere that explain how to sort it out with either method. I wrote the thread ages ago though.


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  • #3, by AkcayKaraazmakSunday, 06. December 2015, 14:11 9 years ago
    I found the einterfaceClasses in the explorer tool but cant see the content of it, also checked the install directory for those xml files but no luck smile Cant you send me a sample Lee, that you did in past?

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  • #4, by AkcayKaraazmakSunday, 06. December 2015, 14:16 9 years ago
    I created a new interface class from the explorer but it doesnt shown in the scene when you call show-interface action

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  • #5, by afrlmeSunday, 06. December 2015, 14:17 9 years ago
    I mean open the ved file itself in a program like sublime text, github atom or notepad++ & edit the xml data contained within. Make sure you backup your ved first though as it's easy to mess things up.

    Ahh... here's the old thread I created.

    Sorry, but I no longer have the images. They would have been created on my old laptop & I no longer have the website / server I posted them to. Just look at the bottom half section of the thread as it tells you what to search for in the xml data. You basically copy one of the existing interface / classes & then change the names / ids for the new one.


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  • #6, by AkcayKaraazmakSunday, 06. December 2015, 14:24 9 years ago
    Thank you so much Lee, I will try do it.

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  • #7, by sebastianSunday, 06. December 2015, 21:39 9 years ago
    when creating the interface classes in the explorer (strg+e/cmd+e) you should go and check if the class and and the classname is set. Maybe this is end up in an issue when these are not properly set.

    After that they should show up when defining the interface. After selecting the new interface class, save the project directly. Sometimes it seems to reset itself...

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  • #8, by AkcayKaraazmakSunday, 06. December 2015, 22:01 9 years ago
    Hi Sebastian, thank you mate. I did the same but when ever I use to show that new interface, (show interface action) it never shows that interface in game. Dont know why :\

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  • #9, by sebastianSunday, 06. December 2015, 22:09 9 years ago
    dont forget to set this interface active for the character

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  • #10, by AkcayKaraazmakSunday, 06. December 2015, 22:17 9 years ago
    Ovv mate it worked! You are great smile Thank you so much. Just a one more question. Is it possible to show a scene object over that interface? Or scene object should always shown below the interfaces?

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  • #11, by sebastianSunday, 06. December 2015, 22:59 9 years ago
    i assume interfaces are always rendered above the scene

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