How to set a new object point (and angle/alignment) via lua?

  • #1, by marvelSunday, 17. September 2017, 15:15 7 years ago
    Hey guys,
    I have a situation here where the character should not walk all around an object to comment it. So I want to adjust the foot point and also the alignment if the character stands behind (instead of before) an object. So I plan to start a lua command if he reaches a specific object area,

    Does anybody know how to set a new object point and the angle/alignment) via lua?

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 17. September 2017, 16:44 7 years ago
    game.CurrentCharacter.CharacterDestination = {x = 500, y = 500}

    wait until character stops
    align character

    You should probably use the action part for checking the characters current direction, if that's something you need to check.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by marvelSunday, 17. September 2017, 16:51 7 years ago
    game.CurrentCharacter.CharacterDestination = {x = 500, y = 500}

    wait until character stops
    align character

    Sory, I believe this is a misunderstanding - or I don't understand what you mean with that. smile How can I give an object - for example an object named "chair" - a different object point and a new alignment angle?

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #4, by sebastianSunday, 17. September 2017, 17:01 7 years ago
    These are not scriptable. So maybe these get lost after saving.
    But if you use them directly it should work
    Objects["myobject"].ObjectDirection = 45 --integer ( degrees )
    Objects["myobject"].ObjectPosition = {x=100,y=300} --coordinates

    you could also use the left click (immediate) and check if the character is above Y and then deside to send hin below or above the object.

    Thread Captain

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  • #5, by marvelSunday, 17. September 2017, 17:43 7 years ago
    That's working. Thanks a lot guys smile

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSunday, 17. September 2017, 19:30 7 years ago
    Sorry Thomas. Misunderstood what you were asking. My bad.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by dionousMonday, 18. September 2017, 17:15 7 years ago
    These are not scriptable. So maybe these get lost after saving.
    Just tested, it seems that these changes are permanent and they even get saved smile

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