How to make character look darker

  • #1, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 28. July 2017, 12:11 7 years ago
    Hi guys, any ideas how to make the character look darker in dark scenes. I tried;

    outfit.OutfitLightColor= 000000
    outfit.OutfitAmbientLightColor= 010101 -- Some other variations but doesnt work

    If I give 00000 to Ambient then its whole dark :\

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  • #2, by constantinFriday, 28. July 2017, 12:13 7 years ago
    use a lightmap

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  • #3, by SimonSFriday, 28. July 2017, 12:29 7 years ago
    You can change the light color with:

    outfit.LightColor = 0x101010
    outfit.AmbientLightColor = 0x101010

    You can also change LightPosX, LightPosY, LightPosZ.

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  • #4, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 28. July 2017, 15:44 7 years ago
    Thank you so much Simon, I'll try it. @Constantin  I tried the lightmap but didnt get the result I want. 

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