How to copy protect a game created in Visionaire Editor?

  • #1, by sailor-interactiveTuesday, 10. January 2023, 16:39 A year ago
    Good afternoon ! Tell me how to protect the game from copying created in Visionaire Editor?


    52 Posts

  • #2, by NigecWednesday, 11. January 2023, 12:09 A year ago
    I don't think you can copy protect anything these days, someone will always find a way to get around it.
    You'd have to supply on demand with unique ID but even then someone could still copy it, the only advantage is you could figure out who pirated it by the ID, even then this info doesn't do much good, and it makes it harder to buy the product and I'd be wondering why someone wanted so much detail

    I was a beta tester for a company who tried to beat the pirates and all it does is cost millions and makes it harder for ligit users to register or update their paid for products.

    I think you just need to take the hit,  80% just download because they can, others simply don't have the money to pay, some may buy afterwards to support you.

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  • #3, by afrlmeWednesday, 11. January 2023, 14:51 A year ago
    Visionaire Studio games are automatically encrypted when you export them, but it is a pointless fight as crackers will eventually crack whatever you throw at them - just look at denuvo that was supposedly uncrackable. Sure it took the crackers a while, but it didn't really take them that long in the grand scheme of things.

    I actually prefer what GOG do, which is zero protection. They know it's pointless, so why not provide a safe alternative for the people that aren't going to pay for games, because they either just like pirating games because they can, or because they lack the funds to purchase said games - some countries get to buy games super cheap at retail price, whereas those of us in the EU have to pay a lot more for a game compared to countries like Brazil & Russia.

    If you want to counter it, the best way is probably to set yourself up some torrent sites & either leak your game yourself (with a kind note) &/or to monitor the pirate sites & leave friendly comments that say something along the lines of you being the developer & asking that if people enjoy it that they consider buying the game & supporting you. Another indie developer did that years ago & he got a positive response from a bunch of the people pirating his game, but I can't say how many of them did actually go & buy the game afterwards.

    All I can tell you is that it doesn't help to be aggressive towards the pirates as that's just going to reflect negatively on you & will not help you out at all. Also you can't force people to pay for your games because pirates are going to pirate & any that never intended to buy your game will either just pirate it or find another game to pirate, because on pc there's so much choice when it comes to pc games & there's lots of similar games to choose from.


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by sailor-interactiveSunday, 29. January 2023, 01:56 A year ago
    Thanks to everyone who spoke, but I asked how to practically protect my game so that you can sell the game for as long as possible and a sufficient number of copies of it to get money for a new project and means for your own existence at the VISIONARE STUDIO software level to protect against copying.


    52 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeSunday, 29. January 2023, 14:58 A year ago
    There's no such thing & crackers are going to crack/patch games/apps & pirates are going to download said games/apps. There's nothing you can do about it, & pirates are unlikely to buy a game just because it can't be cracked as there's 100's & 1000's of similar games out there to choose from - we are spoiled for choice on pc when it comes to games compared to all other gaming platforms.

    If you want to make money, then you need to make something people are willing to pay for, & then you need to get it on steam & as many legit third party key stores as possible & do regular discounted sales. There's a tiny percentage of people that actually buy from steam store &/or pay full RRP for pc games, & even then it's mostly for multiplayer games like call of duty where people want to jump straight into the action, & not for single player games - especially indie games unless it's something super special & it's generated a ton of interest beforehand.

    So again, your question is irrelevant & there's nothing that can be done, because sure Simon could update the encryption & take x measures, but he'd have to do that constantly because it wouldn't take some cracker long to figure out how to get past it. I believe I already mentioned this, but just look at Denuvo encryption thing that they claimed was uncrackable, it took the crackers less than a month or so to break that & prove them wrong, which is my point in why it's a pointless battle & encryption & drm protection & anti-cheat & all that nonense can actually have a negative impact on game optimization & performance.

    Long story short: you can not & will not be able to force people to buy your game - no matter how good your encryption & security measures are for your game.


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by sailor-interactiveSaturday, 04. February 2023, 17:43 A year ago
    afrlme! Thanks for the answer ! Do not tell me third-party stores for the sale of the game? And another question saved the source codes of the game made in Visionare Studio and now the path to the files has changed and you need all the files that were uploaded to it. Can you tell me how to automate the process???


    52 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeSunday, 05. February 2023, 14:48 A year ago
    Here are a few third party legit key stores & alternatives to steam. -- drm-free + key seller -- own store & drm -- own store & drm -- key seller (multiple country stores available) -- drm-free + key seller -- drm-free (self publish, fixed price or pay what you want, etc)


    7285 Posts

  • #8, by dionousSunday, 05. February 2023, 14:50 A year ago
    Game engines do not offer copy protection nowadays. You need to look for 3rd party solutions.

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  • #9, by sailor-interactiveThursday, 16. February 2023, 16:40 A year ago
    thank you afrlme for your replies!


    52 Posts

  • #10, by sailor-interactiveThursday, 16. February 2023, 16:42 A year ago
    dionous , thanks for the answer. I know it. Although now I am writing a script that will protect the ishr from copying on the Visionare studio engine


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