How to change the camera height & angle for the 3d character according to scenes

  • #1, by AkcayKaraazmakThursday, 20. November 2014, 17:03 10 years ago
    Hi mates,

    Anyone know how to change the camera height and the camera angle for the 3d character in Vis? When the character enters a new scene, the camera angle of the character should change to match with scene angle. I should use more then one different character outfits for the related scenes OR when the scene starts, I could write a script to change the height and angle even the other properties for the camera?

    Thank you smile

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  • #2, by AlexThursday, 20. November 2014, 17:41 10 years ago
    you should be able to set the camera in a small script, e.g. something like (untested):
    local outfit = Characters.MyChar.CharacterCurrentOutfit
    outfit.OutfitCameraAngle = 45
    outfit.OutfitCameraHeight = 20


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  • #3, by AkcayKaraazmakThursday, 20. November 2014, 17:48 10 years ago
    Thank you so much Alex! I'll try it now and report you back smile

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  • #4, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 21. November 2014, 08:39 10 years ago
    It worked perfectly Alex! Thank you again. But the issue I have is, character never alligns up with the way-system. What I mean is, the character doesnt look where it should be in the scene when game starts. To match the place of character with the scene, I must always guess and move the place of way-system in editor and try n try in game-play if character appears on the place I want. Can it be becasuse of the unit system in 3d program before I export the character?

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