#1, by blablo_101Friday, 11. September 2015, 17:49 10 years ago
I need help fixing a weird problem in Visionaire 4.
I have almost finish my first scene and I have noticed something wrong.
I can send two orders at the same time to my character and he made both of them O.o
I mean, my character is standing waiting for orders. Then I can click on an object and (while he is walking to this object) I can click on a character (a NPC). And then, my character make the two actions at the same time, overlapping animations and texts... Its hilarious, but not useful : ). He goes to the second action point (in front of the NPC) and play the "use animation" and, in the same time, he speaks with the NPC.
I can talk with two characters at the same time too. Or I can click "speak" with a character and, if I am fast, click in an other place in the scene. If I do that, the character speaks with the NPC from an other place.
I have attached an image wher you can see an example of far away talking... The main character are in the left because I clicked in the right character and then click walk left.
Thank you!