How to avoid overlapping actions (solved)

  • #1, by blablo_101Friday, 11. September 2015, 17:49 10 years ago
    I need help fixing a weird problem in Visionaire 4.
    I have almost finish my first scene and I have noticed something wrong.

    I can send two orders at the same time to my character and he made both of them O.o
    I mean, my character is standing waiting for orders. Then I can click on an object and (while he is walking to this object) I can click on a character (a NPC). And then, my character make the two actions at the same time, overlapping animations and texts... Its hilarious, but not useful : ). He goes to the second action point (in front of the NPC) and play the "use animation" and, in the same time, he speaks with the NPC.

    I can talk with two characters at the same time too. Or I can click "speak" with a character and, if I am fast, click in an other place in the scene. If I do that, the character speaks with the NPC from an other place.

    I have attached an image wher you can see an example of far away talking... The main character are in the left because I clicked in the right character and then click walk left.

    Thank you!


    70 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 11. September 2015, 17:55 10 years ago
    Did you perchance create the actions under the immediate action section? If it's immediate then it will immediately execute those actions. If it's an at destination action type then it should not execute the actions if you click somewhere else before the character reaches the intended destination.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by blablo_101Friday, 11. September 2015, 21:45 10 years ago
    Thank you

    I think this is the problem, because I have the left click set as an inmediate action... but then I have a new problem, How can I define the left click as a destination action?

    My left click it's used as walk/use/talk... and I can see left click in the list roll

    I have attached a image of my visionaire.


    70 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 11. September 2015, 23:00 10 years ago
    There is no left click action by default in the Visionaire engine, because left click at destination is done via commands. Notice the first action in the execution at destination section of the dropdown menu "executed command on object".

    You need to create at least one command (button with command as button type) in an interface. Name it something like "left_click", set it as the standard command in the interfaces properties tab. Next go to your playable characters interface tab & enable the interface you just created. You will now be able to use that command in the executed command on object action.

    Hopefully you'll be able to follow what I've said, as it's too late for me to start messing about in VS & photoshop creating screenshots & examples.

    edit: actually what am I talking about? I forgot that I'd written a few articles in the wiki about the various command interfaces...


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by blablo_101Saturday, 12. September 2015, 11:00 10 years ago
    Thank you very much! It's solved.
    You have explained the solution perfectly.


    70 Posts