How the new sound system works?

  • #1, by LebosteinThursday, 26. April 2018, 14:42 7 years ago
    1. What things I can do with the sound system, that were not possible before?
    2. Can I find a manual or tutorial?


    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 26. April 2018, 15:14 7 years ago
    Simon said he will be sorting out some documentation or a tutorial video or something for it soon.

    Long story short, the new sound system works a little bit like a music production daw or sound editor. You can use it to assign sounds to specific audio channels as well as apply effects such as reverb, distortion, delay, echo, & so on directly in the editor rather than having to create & export variations of your sounds via another program such as Audacity. You can also directly apply high & low pass filters which will allow you to create effects such as sounds sounding like they are coming from another room. Basically it's just an in-engine solution for dynamic sound design for your games.

    Here's a quick example of what you could do. Let's say the player enters a scene such as a cave where you would expect a load of reverb or echo. Now what you could do is create an effect & link it as the send of a mixer & then change the bus using Lua for sounds & speech, etc so that all speech & sounds played while in the cave will have reverb directly applied to them.

    The sound engine isn't quite finished yet, but I'm starting to wrap my head around it a little bit, though it does seem that we can only apply 1 effect/send at a time to a mixer which is a shame as it only seems to register the final send I add to a mix.

    It does look a little complicated when you look at it because it doesn't have the same sort of gui design of a music production daw where they pretty everything up to make things more visually easier to understand. I asked Simon about doing that, but he's not so fussed about the aesthetics of it all, his only concern is that it does what it's supposed to do.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by LebosteinThursday, 26. April 2018, 19:01 7 years ago
    Ah, Thanks. Very nice. So I can apply echo effects, noises and so on for my sounds. It is possible for music too? Can I build a music track from different synced single instrument tracks? Then something like iMuse would be possible...

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 26. April 2018, 19:54 7 years ago
    Ah, Thanks. Very nice. So I can apply echo effects, noises and so on for my sounds. It is possible for music too? Can I build a music track from different synced single instrument tracks? Then something like iMuse would be possible...
    It's not a DAW mate. You could play multiple sounds linked to the music bus I suppose, but you can't build a song in it.

    & yes, you can apply different effects. The effects pool is a little limited right now, but it should be enough for most situations. Reverb, echo, delay, distortion, flanger, ring module & auto wah. Besides that there's a compressor, equalizer & highpass/lowpass cutoff filters. You can also shift the pitch of sounds.

    It's more just to save some time. It's no FMOD, but it's still a really great addition to the Visionaire Studio game engine.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by SimonSThursday, 26. April 2018, 20:38 7 years ago
    Yes, you can build music tracks from different instruments with the sync container as long they are prerecorded.

    Thread Captain

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  • #6, by LebosteinThursday, 26. April 2018, 20:56 7 years ago
    Yes, you can build music tracks from different instruments with the sync container as long they are prerecorded.
    my dreams come true ... ;-o

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeThursday, 26. April 2018, 21:30 7 years ago
    Yes, you can build music tracks from different instruments with the sync container as long they are prerecorded.
    You know what I meant mate. Virtual EJ & those old things that had pre-recorded loops/tracks & you sort of mashed them all together to make a tune. grin


    7285 Posts

  • #8, by LebosteinFriday, 27. April 2018, 10:09 7 years ago
    I have problems to understand the hierarchy of the elements. I can add an effect to a bus and a bus to an effect. It seems I can add all elements as a sub-element of other elements. That is very confusing...  Is an effect also a bus automatically?

    Edit: I have tried many things, but I do not get an echo of my sound... if I add effects to a created bus, I don't see the black boxed effect list on bus level like in the first screenshot of AFRLme...

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #9, by afrlmeFriday, 27. April 2018, 12:01 7 years ago
    There's 2 yellow buttons above the play pause bit on the top right. "New Automation" & "New Send". You have to click on the "New Send" button to add the effect module block to the mix container. You should also consider renaming the effects you have created. You should be able to rename anything you create/add to the left hand list.

    As for your other questions, I don't really know. It took me about 10 minutes of messing about to get it to correctly play the reverb effect I linked. At first I tried creating effects under the default audio busses, but obviously that's not possible as there's no options when you click on those. I thought at first that just creating an effect inside of a bus container was enough to get it to apply the effect to the audio bus channel as I didn't realize there was options in the containers when you created custom ones to adjust the pitch, cutoff filters, add an eq, automation track or add send tracks to link effects to the channel.

    I still don't know what most of the stuff in the audio system is for yet or how to use most of it despite dabbling in music production for over 5 years a few years back, as it doesn't feel very familiar to me as I worked in Propellerhead's Reason which was essentially a virtual hardware rack rather than a bunch of buttons & values. It made a lot of sense to me as I'd messed around with synths & drum machines prior to using it.


    7285 Posts

  • #10, by LebosteinFriday, 27. April 2018, 15:20 7 years ago
    There's 2 yellow buttons above the play pause bit on the top right. "New Automation" & "New Send"
    OMG, bad GUI design (I would expect these buttons below the last added effect).... Thanks for the hint.

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeFriday, 27. April 2018, 16:34 7 years ago
    Your screenshot doesn't look right or is that an edit you made?


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