How do you make a non-interactive dialogues, back an forth

  • #1, by saschaaltschulerTuesday, 19. September 2017, 16:31 8 years ago
    I know this is probably a really really stupid question, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. When creating dialogues, I can't figure out how to make the two characters talk a bit back and forth before you have to select what you want to say, instead of just main character talk- NPC talk - next dialogue part. I have a feeling I've missed something very obvious somewhere. 


    Main Char: (selectable)
    - Hi, what's your name
    - Hello how are you

    - Great, nice weather right

    - Yeah, whatever, something something

    - who are you?

    MC: (selectable)
    - I'm an elephant
    - non of your business


    5 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianTuesday, 19. September 2017, 16:51 8 years ago
    Each dialog part has an action you can define. There should be a field with the thunderbolt icon beside it somewhere at the buttom-right area of the dialog part configuration. Here you can use/add action parts which get executed after the first question/answer segment

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #3, by saschaaltschulerTuesday, 19. September 2017, 16:59 8 years ago
    Thanks Sebastian

    So in the example, this part:...

    - Yeah, whatever, something something
    - who are you?"

    ...would be an action (display text)  triggered by the dialogue part 1? 


    5 Posts

  • #4, by sebastianTuesday, 19. September 2017, 22:20 8 years ago

    the "execute action" on the right side of the screen will run after the NPCs (optional) answer text. In this action you can normally add "display text" action parts how you like it. After this action it will continue with the dialog as always.

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #5, by saschaaltschulerWednesday, 20. September 2017, 17:13 8 years ago
    Great, thanks man! smile 


    5 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 20. September 2017, 19:48 8 years ago
    Just checked your portfolio website. Nice to see people that have worked for - or done work for - commercial game studios using Visionaire Studio. Good luck with your game project. wink


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by saschaaltschulerWednesday, 20. September 2017, 21:58 8 years ago
    As far as I know Visionaire is also used by professionel studios (daedalic). But thanks grin it's the first time I'm doing a game on my own, and not just supplying the art so I'll probably be asking a lot of stupid questions on this forum smile


    5 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeWednesday, 20. September 2017, 22:25 8 years ago
    As far as I know Visionaire is also used by professionel studios (daedalic). But thanks grin it's the first time I'm doing a game on my own, and not just supplying the art so I'll probably be asking a lot of stupid questions on this forum smile

    Yeah, Daedalic Entertainment are the largest studio currently using Visionaire Studio. There have been other developers breeze on through in the past as well. STASIS was made with Visionaire Studio, though BROTHERHOOD have migrated over to Unity now ( cry ). Paradigm, which has been well received was developed with VS as well - not sure what Jacob is up to now though, been a little while since I spoke to him properly.

    By the way, we have a Discord server. Feel free to join; but only if you want to.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by caligarimarteThursday, 21. September 2017, 00:44 8 years ago
    Checked the Vimeo-Video, that Project has a lovely Art Style and looks like the Scenario and Characters might be rather interesting. Highly appreciatable.

    Forum Fan

    145 Posts

  • #10, by saschaaltschulerThursday, 21. September 2017, 08:53 8 years ago
    Thanks caligarimarte, I'm really glad you like it smile 

    AFRLme: I've joined the Discord channel but I only heard about the program last week so I'll figure out how to use it along the way smile 

    It's really great that there's such a community around Visionaire!


    5 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeThursday, 21. September 2017, 13:15 8 years ago
    Thanks caligarimarte, I'm really glad you like it smile 

    AFRLme: I've joined the Discord channel but I only heard about the program last week so I'll figure out how to use it along the way smile 

    It's really great that there's such a community around Visionaire!
    Nice one. smile

    Discord is relatively new I suppose - initial release: March 6, 2015. They are still working on adding some of the basic features, such as webcam support which should be available sometime this month or next month. I think over time it will probably be more popular than Skype for various different reasons.


    7285 Posts