Hide interface not possible

  • #1, by goudasunsetThursday, 04. May 2023, 14:34 A year ago
    I'm in the process of learning the software and I'm still in the early stages. I have a text box that should be displayed and then the text is accordingly. However, contrary to my settings, the interface is visible from the start. and blocks all other actions.
    I have:
    1. The interface is created as a "TextBox" under einterfaceClasses
    2. The text box is created as an interface and the image is stored
    3. The interface assigned to the game character.
    4. Set the start action interface show/hide in the game settings and store it with hide "TextBox".

    But when I start the game, the text box is visible from the start and blocks all other actions. But it should be hidden. I have set absolutely nothing else and the interface is linked to absolutely nothing, no trigger, nothing.
    What am I doing wrong? Or how do I manage that the text box is hidden from the beginning and only appears when I trigger it?
    I would be very thankful for help smile


    4 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 04. May 2023, 14:42 A year ago
    Interfaces are shown by default & you need to hide them via the game launch settings (at begin start following action) found in the game properties tab of the editor.

    You also need to draw the interface area for each interface, or it will just assume the entire interface background image you use is the interface area.

    I would also highly recommend that you join our Discord server as we are online & very active on there - you just got lucky that I happened to open up the forum a few minutes after you posted your thread.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by goudasunsetThursday, 04. May 2023, 15:42 A year ago
    Interfaces are shown by default & you need to hide them via the game launch settings (at begin start following action) found in the game properties tab of the editor.

    Thanks for the answer, but I have already done exactly that and it still does not work. I also did the steps exactly as I saw it in a tutorial video and there it worked and the interface is still not hidden.
    Now I am a bit perplexed.


    4 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 05. May 2023, 03:42 A year ago
    The single screenshot that you have provided in your initial post is not really much information to go on. What you wrote in your steps sounds about right. Have you tried assigning it to one of the default interface classes?

    Quick question: when you say you start the game, do you mean a fresh start or are you loading from a save file or using the run on scene function of the editor? loading save files during active development is bad & isn't recommended at all because old save files will contain incorrect information &/or will be lacking information if you have updated the ved with new content since the save file was created - either way it can lead to weird anomalies happening when you load into a game via an old save file. As for the run on scene feature, that can also sometimes have weird issues occur depending on your game launch actions & various other things.


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