I'm also developing a 2.5D adventure, you can change the scale and camera angle with codes which I do for each scene because all scenes have different camera angles.
What I suggest you to use .X format, I was also using 3d character in vs4 which had some bugs on 3d but now RC2 version is stable. Simon made massive improvements. And for the textures its good to have them 512x512.
Hi, AkcayKaraazmak! (nice username
), we were waiting for you
First of all, I have downloaded and played the demo of your game. Terrific visuals! Congrats!
I have noticed that in the first scene (the house corridor), your 3D character is in the foreground and is very big and detailed. What I meant in my previous post, is that when I import my character, the model (with no scaling option at all, so 100%) is quite small even if I set to a very big size in my 3D software.
At the moment we are using open source softwares like MakeHuman and Blender, since it is still a personal project and we don't wan't to have to deal with expensive licenses and the such. The only problem is that the Blender .X exporter is nowhere as rich in detail as Alin Direct-X Exporter for 3DS Max.
In the meantime, thanks for any suggestions you may have for us.
@AFLRme: we came up with the idea of a geometry file since, before VS, we've been using Wintermute Engine, which allowed to import a 3DS geometry file with solid obstacles together with the 3D pre-rendered scene, so that the character already knew where he could go inside the scene and there was no need to create waypoints.