Give command?

  • #1, by ygmantellFriday, 07. July 2017, 21:59 8 years ago
    So so far I have created a single click-interface that does everythng.  But, it wont let me take an item from my inventory and use it on an NPC. (Nothing happens when I do, even though I set the action to do so.)
     Do I have to set up something new, or is there a way for me to use ("give") items on npcs/combine them with other items using only one click?


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  • #2, by sebastianFriday, 07. July 2017, 23:13 8 years ago
    activate item dragging in the game settings and also tick the checkbox in the left click buttons command propertirs that you allow it with this command. 

    By that a single left click will Pick up the item (drag) and can be dropped on other items/objects/characters via the "item dropped"actions

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  • #3, by ygmantellSaturday, 08. July 2017, 00:33 8 years ago
    I did both of those, and still nothing.
    Items can be dragged, but if I set a NPC (character) to react to X item with left click interface action that I configured still nothing happens.


    EDIT: Okay, sorry, I got very confused.  I was using my set left click action and an item, instead of "item dropped"

    But how do I combine two items from my inventory?

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  • #4, by sebastianSaturday, 08. July 2017, 11:03 8 years ago
    also use here the item dropped actions 

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  • #5, by irinahuw_Friday, 25. May 2018, 09:13 7 years ago
    activate item dragging in the game settings and also tick the checkbox in the left click buttons command propertirs that you allow it with this command. 

    By that a single left click will Pick up the item (drag) and can be dropped on other items/objects/characters via the "item dropped"actions

    Hello sebastian! (Or anyone else smile )

    I am trying to drop an item on a character too. Dragging items is activated, but I am not sure which checkbox is meant for the left click buttons. Could you explain where I find it?

    Further info about my problem:
    I have only one Cursor, not a SCUMM interface with take/look/talk etc. The inventory for items is working, I can pick up the wanted item into the inventory and when clicking on it, it sticks with the cursor. In the NPC tab i created an action "drop item" with the wanted item. But when i drop the item on the NPC, nothing happens, resp. the Dialogue starts (which is started by left click, too). See here:

    But ofc I do not want to start the Dialogue, but drop the item and start another action, such as display text.

    Thank you and kind regards!



    49 Posts

  • #6, by esmeraldaFriday, 25. May 2018, 09:44 7 years ago
    The checkboxes Sebastian was refering to are the one in the game properties tab (allow dragging items from inventory) and in the command properties of your interface button "Linksklick" (items can be dragged with this command). 
    But I guess you ticked both, because you can drag the items.
    Your action seems to be ok. "Gegenstand ablegen" is exactly what you need to do to use the item on a character or object.
    Not sure why it isn't working... Maybe your pause tag p20000 which means a pause of 20000 seconds has something to do with it? (but I don't think so) You could try a smaller number or add "ms" for milliseconds to it.  p20000ms

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  • #7, by irinahuw_Friday, 25. May 2018, 09:55 7 years ago
    hello esmeralda!

    thank you for your quick answer, much appreciated!
    however, i was able to fix it by switching the actions. So the "drop item" action comes before the left click action which starts the regular dialogue. See in the image below.
    Whatever makes VS work... XD


    49 Posts

  • #8, by esmeraldaFriday, 25. May 2018, 10:13 7 years ago
    I just realised - you haven't created a command called "Linksklick", you are using the execution type "left click"  (Ausführungsart "Linksklick").
    This might lead to problems along the way. I recommend creating a command to execute your left clicks. 

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  • #9, by afrlmeFriday, 25. May 2018, 12:19 7 years ago
    Esmeralda is correct, the built in left click action may cause issues because it takes priority. You should change it to an executed command at destination or immediate - depending on the situation. I guess you solved it by changing the order of the list, but in general it's best not to use them.

    The built in left click actions should only really be used for menu type scenes where you shouldn't need to use command based input or drop items.


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  • #10, by irinahuw_Monday, 28. May 2018, 19:35 7 years ago
    hallo esmeralda und AFRLme,

    thanks for the hint!
    i just tried to set up the command with this instruction:
    unfortunately it does not work. when i set it up on an object like in the last part of the instruction, the character just walks to the object and nothing happens...
    what did i do wrong?

    kind regards



    49 Posts

  • #11, by sebastianMonday, 28. May 2018, 19:40 7 years ago
    is it possible that the point the character needs to reach for the object is outside the walkable area?

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