Game Has Disappeared

  • #1, by nate-ingraciaSaturday, 05. November 2022, 19:24 2 years ago
    So, I just opened my game today, and there's nothing there. I don't know what happened but I opened my game file it's completely empty, as if I had just created a new game. Does anyone know what has happened here? Is there a way I can take the .bak file and use it to roll the file back a little bit?


    15 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSaturday, 05. November 2022, 19:30 2 years ago
    Rename the .bak file & remove .bak from it to turn it into a ved file.

    I'm sorry to say this, but you really should backup your ved often, or use the incremental saving option instead of using the same ved all of the time because there's no telling what will happen with the file or your computer, etc.

    I would also recommend looking into something like dropbox or google drive to backup your project to every so often.

    As for what happened, I'm going to guess that you were saving often & it's possible that you closed it or something interrupted it before it was done saving, which is why it's important to backup your project files regularly - store them in zip/rar files or something as they compress down super well.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by nate-ingraciaSaturday, 05. November 2022, 19:50 2 years ago
    I think maybe you're right. I tried the .bak thing but that ended up with an empty file too. This feels pretty shitty but I'll just have to rebuild it, and I'll try some of the stuff you mentioned. At least I didn't lose any of my assets.


    15 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 06. November 2022, 00:47 2 years ago
    Aye, sorry about that, I knows it's horrible when you lose things (I'm talking about in general) but unfortunately it's not our fault if you didn't backup your project.

    I hope you hadn't done too much on it already? roll


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by MachtnixThursday, 17. November 2022, 20:27 2 years ago
    Dass Visionaire überhaupt die Datei öffnet, ist schon bemerkenswert. Normalerweise ist das File "kaputt", lässt sich also nicht öffnen. Was steht denn in der VED-Datei... ist die wirklich leer? Ich vermute eher einen Schreibschutz, so dass Vis vielleicht das Spiel nicht abspeichern KONNTE, weil die Rechte fehlten. Manchmal sind es auch doofe Dinge, die passieren, z.B. dass man in einem anderen Ordner mit demselben Namen gespeichert hat oder die VED-Datei später verschoben wurde. Manchmal stimmt auch der Speicherort nicht mit dem Benutzer-Ordner überein. 
    Ich hatte diesen Fall noch nie - wenn, dann war immer die VED tatsächlich defekt.


    The fact that Visionaire opens the file at all is remarkable. Normally the file is "broken" and cannot be opened. What does the VED file say...? is it really empty? I rather suspect a write protection, so that Vis perhaps COULDN'T save the game because the rights were missing. Sometimes stupid things happen, e.g. you saved in another folder with the same name or the VED file was moved later. Sometimes the storage location does not match the user folder.
    I have never had this case - when I have, it was always the VED that was actually defective.

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #6, by oughisdraFriday, 20. January 2023, 05:56 A year ago


    1 Posts

  • #7, by newplayerinthisgameThursday, 09. February 2023, 18:41 A year ago
    The same thing happened today! Nightmare! My last backup is from 6.02. I know it's my own fault, but still... What the hell is going on? I worked on the project during the day, saved everything as usual and now I'm loading the project and it is empty! I will have to set it up from 0.... Thank God all the art and voice acting I have saved.


    7 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeThursday, 09. February 2023, 21:23 A year ago
    It's most likely caused from regular/constant saving, or it getting iterrupted during saving. You just said your last backup was on the 6th, which is a few days ago, so I'm not sure why you are saying you need to set it up from scratch again - unless you had nothing done in the last backup.

    My recommendation is to backup your ved before & after any major changes, or better yet use the incremental save feature that VS provides instead of overwriting the same ved file constantly. There is a save option available when you have a ved open & open up the main menu, which says: "save as 'name of ved0001' or something along those lines, which will allow you to save a new version of the ved with an incrementally generated number instead of overwriting the current ved. Just do that every so often instead of risking corrupting your ved file due to incessant saving.

    Also make sure you regularly backup your ved & resource files to google drive, dropbox, or some place similar, & to external usb hdd/sticks, etc.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by newplayerinthisgameThursday, 09. February 2023, 22:39 A year ago
    It's most likely caused from regular/constant saving, or it getting iterrupted during saving. You just said your last backup was on the 6th, which is a few days ago, so I'm not sure why you are saying you need to set it up from scratch again - unless you had nothing done in the last backup.

    My recommendation is to bakup your ved before & after any major changes, or better yet use the incremental save feature that VS provides instead of overwriting the same ved file constantly. There is a save option available when you have a ved open & open up the main menu, which says: "save as 'name of ved0001' or something along those lines, which will allow you to save a new version of the ved with an incrementally generated number instead of overwriting the current ved. Just do that every so often instead of risking corrupting your ved file due to incessant saving.

    Also make sure you regularly backup your ved & resource files to google drive, dropbox, or some place similar, & to external usb hdd/sticks, etc.
    It's understandable that you have to do backups. It's true. I just got caught up in my day job and forgot, that's my fault. So of course everything is set up and backups are made after working on the project. I will now, on your advice, save to different .ved files additionally. Thank you! I`ve just faced this problem for the first time, and I`ll be more careful, knowing that such things can happen again.


    7 Posts