fight game

  • #1, by jetsetwillyThursday, 08. January 2015, 17:56 10 years ago
    can we do (without scripting) a simple fight game like double dragon with a foot and arm hit , a hp gauge ,


    69 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 08. January 2015, 18:07 10 years ago
    I don't see why not. It's only values & animations. There's no collision detection in Visionaire Studio though, so not sure how you would go about determining if kick/punch comes into contact with the other character. Only thing I can think of is some kind of radius detection or if character is a specific range of distance from/to the other character.

    HP guage could be done with an animation I suppose or single interface with a very limited area so that you can keep sliding the hp animation image to one side while the excess is automatically masked out by the specified interface area.

    This is about all I can provide for this. All of which is theoretical.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by jetsetwillyThursday, 08. January 2015, 18:11 10 years ago
    no collision detection yes when for exemple i put shadow under my caracter, this wil not affect the detection of my character?


    69 Posts

  • #4, by jetsetwillyThursday, 08. January 2015, 18:16 10 years ago
    it can be great to mix fight and adventure games, of sure, your character can die, but we must find the simpliest fight engine to do, and making the IA of the enemy its a long work too, thank's to tel me if you have an idea i will work on it, unfortunelly there's no tutorial about it


    69 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeThursday, 08. January 2015, 18:25 10 years ago
    No. I believe you may need to use Lua script to determine distance between characters or you could re-purpose the isInRadius() function I added to the workflow section of the wiki, the other month. I wrote it for checking if mouse cursor was inside of a specific circle radius based on characters animation center but it could be modified to suit different needs.

    As for the current state of the characters, you would need to use conditions or values & if queries to determine what each player is currently doing.

    In Game Maker Studio for instance, this would be a lot simpler to make because Game Maker has a system for drawing masks over game assets which allow you to define the solid parts of an image/animation frame which allows for a simple method of detecting object collision. Also Game Maker has a destructive asset system which allows you to create & destroy multiple instances of a single asset as you like, whenever you like. I wish we had something like this in VS as it would be very nice for duplication & workflow, but we have to work with what we have.


    7283 Posts

  • #6, by jetsetwillyThursday, 08. January 2015, 18:33 10 years ago
    or simply make the combat juste with animation for exemple like in rpg theres is a percent chance to win, depend on the level and the strenght of the caracter,
    it can be done and usefull for mouse , make a fight game with arrow keys control can be very boring, exept with joyestic but this is not my goal


    69 Posts

  • #7, by jetsetwillyThursday, 08. January 2015, 18:38 10 years ago
    i think at the combat sword scene of monkey island1 ... something like that


    69 Posts

  • #8, by jetsetwillyThursday, 08. January 2015, 18:39 10 years ago
    a premade combat


    69 Posts

  • #9, by afrlmeThursday, 08. January 2015, 19:03 10 years ago
    I know VS forum CMS is a bit _whatever_ at times, but it is possible to edit posts, you know! wink

    A Monkey Island fight sequence wouldn't be so complicated. That would have been done by if else then queries & 2 values. If you got the question right or the other npc said the incorrect thing then you increment the enemies value by 1 else you would increment the value assigned to your character by 1 then you would check if value of player or enemy = a specific amount to determine if fight should continue or end & who the winner is.

    I think what I've roughly described above should be enough to get you started in the right direction. There's pages in manual section of the wiki that explains about conditions & values, should you need a bit of information in regards to using/understanding what they are for &/or can be used for.


    7283 Posts

  • #10, by jetsetwillyThursday, 08. January 2015, 19:32 10 years ago
    -a vision variable can be inclued i think about old strategik games Commando1,2,3, desperado, when the enemy see you first he has more chance ton win. good for secret agent games
    for example a guard walks left to right, right to left , the player enter the room, if the enemy stand at right, the enemy see the player
    or the hard way is to do the original method, every enemys has got a invisible sprite who's determine the vision, the interception.


    69 Posts

  • #11, by jetsetwillyThursday, 08. January 2015, 19:39 10 years ago
    i think theres a lot of tricks to find
    a weapon variable for example make of class of weapon knife:1 gun4 but i must make all animation with different weapons ,
    a object variable, for example the player can't win with a vampire without a cross


    69 Posts