ok so I haven't found the .ved file on my hd but I still have the .lua script file...
I'll ask Zeebarf later, to see if he still has the .ved I gave him, as I don't have a clue where it has gone from my old paptop.
anyway this was the mini global script I wrote for it.
Item Animation Control (v2) [very short method]
Written by AFRLme
-- * --
label@alternatingfrequencies.com | aim, skype, trillian @ AFRLme
-- * let's create the function which sets the static frame for all items currently in the characters inventory * --
function initItems()
tblItmFrm = {} -- creates an empty table
tblItmFrm["_temporary_"] = "" -- sets table to temporary
tblItmFrm["items"] = game:getLink(VGameCurrentCharacter):getLinks(VCharacterItems) -- stores character items
-- * --
if table.maxn(tblItmFrm["items"]) > 0 then -- if items table is not empty then do ...
for i = 1, table.maxn(tblItmFrm["items"]) do -- for i = 1 to total number of items do ...
tblItmFrm["act_anim"] = getObject("ActiveAnimations[" .. tblItmFrm["items"][i]:getName() .. "]") -- store active animation
tblItmFrm["gen_anim"] = getObject("Animations[" .. tblItmFrm["items"][i]:getName() .. "]") -- store general animation
tblItmFrm["frames"] = tblItmFrm["gen_anim"]:getSprites(VAnimationSprites) -- store frames
tblItmFrm["frames"] = table.maxn(tblItmFrm["frames"]) -- convert total of frames into an integer value
-- * --
--print("item: " .. tblItmFrm["items"][i]:getName() .. ", frames: " .. tblItmFrm["frames"]) -- prints item name & frame amount to log
tblItmFrm["act_anim"]:setValue(VAnimationFirstFrame, tblItmFrm["frames"]) -- sets item animation to last frame & stops it from looping
essentially what he did was create the popping in animation & then in the last frame he added the static item icon & then what my script did was check at beginning of each scene was check which items character already had in their inventory & set the first frame to the last frame to prevent it from looping the item animation; far as I remember anyway.
I think for this to work you just had to create an execute a script action in an at begin of scene action which included: initItems()
I'm not 100% sure but I also think you had to add a simple line of lua to the final frame of each item you create which stops the animation from looping after it has got to last frame.
getObject("ActiveAnimations[add item name here]"):setValue(VAnimationFirstFrame, add last frame number here for the item)
controlling which frames are allowed to play is quite useful as it lets you create a animation & then select chunks from said animation via the use of VAnimationFirstFrame & VAnimationLastFrame.