Fadind background music issue

  • #1, by muaddibMonday, 22. July 2019, 11:47 6 years ago
    Hello everyone,
    lately i've reprised an old project made with version 4.2.5 and I'd need some help to make it work properly with the latest version.

    For example, I use this function a lot to lower the background's music volume during in-game cutscenes:
    game.CurrentScene:to(1000, {SceneMusicVolume = 0})

    I adapted it to the db system (-8 instead 40 etc) and it still works. The problem is that, when the music track ends, it doesn't loop anymore. It happens since  version 5.0.7

    Any ideas how to solve this?

    Thank you in advance


    3 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeMonday, 22. July 2019, 13:18 6 years ago
    Just delete the linked music file & re-add it. Not sure why it wouldn't auto-reloop. Could just be some corruption issue with you upgrading. Nothing in the log file?


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by muaddibMonday, 22. July 2019, 14:27 6 years ago
    Thanks for your quick reply. I followed your advice but unfor nothing changes. Everytime I use that function the auto loop stops working. Nothing at all in the log file


    3 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 22. July 2019, 15:06 6 years ago
    Sorry mate, it could be a bug. Let's see if Simon answers this thread. You could always join our discord server & ask directly on there as Simon is online most days -https://discord.gg/g5zFejW

    Quick question: your name seems familiar to me, are/were you a member of drumnbass.be?


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by SimonSMonday, 22. July 2019, 15:36 6 years ago
    This seems to be a bug I can reproduce. Will be fixed in the next version.

    Thread Captain

    1594 Posts

  • #6, by muaddibMonday, 22. July 2019, 22:38 6 years ago
    I guess I'll just need to wait the new version then.
    Quick question: your name seems familiar to me, are/were you a member of drumnbass.be?
    Now, that's unexpected. I actually was a member but I've never used my name there smile


    3 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeTuesday, 23. July 2019, 12:21 6 years ago
    I ask because there was a member on there called Maud'Dib who was one of the regular posters. I stopped producing music back in 2012, so I haven't been active on there in a while. I personally went by the alias "Sentinel" on there. I ran another music production forum called Alternating Frequencies (long since dead).


    7285 Posts

  • #8, by NigecWednesday, 24. July 2019, 15:44 6 years ago
    I ask because there was a member on there called Maud'Dib who was one of the regular posters. I stopped producing music back in 2012, so I haven't been active on there in a while. Ï personally went by the alias "Sentinel" on there. I ran another music production forum called Alternating Frequencies (long since dead).

    Its funny how it goes, I recently reconnected to someone I'd lost touch with in the 1980's via a passing comment about a scale model kit of a motorbike on FB

    Key Killer

    640 Posts