Execution type: Called by other action

  • #1, by lefooshSunday, 25. January 2015, 23:00 10 years ago
    What or where is this 'other action' please?

    I'd like to use this feature to use for a long speech but can't seem to find the option to call it into the game.

    Thanks for your help,



    77 Posts

  • #2, by ke4Sunday, 25. January 2015, 23:06 10 years ago
    Basically you can call it wherever you want - from object actions, scene actions etc. with "Call/Quit action" in action parts under "Action, Script" category.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #3, by lefooshSunday, 25. January 2015, 23:16 10 years ago
    Awesome - easy as that.

    Thank you, much appreciated!


    77 Posts