Event not firing

  • #1, by darren-beckettSaturday, 19. September 2015, 00:14 10 years ago
    I've noticed an issue whilst i've been trying to work around a separate issue.
    The reason for this workaround was due to the LeftClick event firing before the Double-Click event gets recognised (See this issue).

    I've therefore created my own double-click event by waiting for another mouse click before firing off the actions.

    But, I've found that if the character is already stood at the object destination/position, then the Left mouse button click action does not get fired before the Objects (Execution at Destination) command action. So my work around fails, because the Object event gets fired, before the mouse event (Which is where i've put code to handle the waiting for a second mouse click).

    Any suggestions would be great.

    Great Poster

    384 Posts

  • #2, by darren-beckettMonday, 21. September 2015, 09:58 10 years ago
    Would anybody be able to confirm that this is a bug that will be fixed in a new release? Or any suggestions on a solution?

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    384 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeMonday, 21. September 2015, 10:27 10 years ago
    Hmm are you talking about left click (immediate) vs a command at execution action?

    Ah wait... I see! You've added the actions Simon told you about into the left click action inside of the mouse properties tab?

    Try adding a pause inside the left click action of your objects & then an if query to determine if double click was registered after say 500ms & if not then call the single click action for this object else call the doubleclick action.


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by darren-beckettMonday, 21. September 2015, 14:30 10 years ago
    Thanks for your reply, this led me to a fix.

    Great Poster

    384 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeMonday, 21. September 2015, 14:36 10 years ago
    No problem. How about sharing your fix for anyone else who might come across the same issue? wink


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by darren-beckettMonday, 21. September 2015, 18:57 10 years ago
    My fix was quite specific for what I've done to override the called actions depending on the count of clicks.

    All objects that have a DoubleClick action need to 'Quit the current action' (within the LeftClick action) if we are currently waiting for a DoubleClick.

    Great Poster

    384 Posts