#18, by Marian77Friday, 13. February 2015, 18:31 10 years ago
If only my limit was 4 hours per map . . .
Anyway, the first attempts look good and life will come to them when you add details. The biggest problem with developing a game and all the graphics, sounds, animations, texts etc. is limited patience. I create my graphics with iterations and also I don't do a single map at once only. I kind of work with layers. Well, not layers literally, but the work process is like using layers. In the first step all my background images are VERY rough, just to see where to place what. Floor, walls, doors etc. The next iteration is adding some rough details, like doorframes, pipes, furniture etc. The next iteration will take care of even smaller details, like doorknobs, hinges, pictures on the walls, stuff in the shelves etc. And so on. This way the general look of an image will stay consistent, no matter at which iteration you decide to stop adding details. And again: Never lose patience. If you don't feel like working on an image, don't. Just don't make a decision like "4 hours is over, the image is ready." or "I'm bored now, therefore the image is ready now." . Take breaks, don't look at the image for a few days and then continue working at it. You will find details that you don't like and get ideas what to add. Also, you will be surprised by some things you already did look much better than you remembered them when working on the image for the last time. Find out what it is that makes them look so good and try to apply this principle for the next details. At least this works for me quite well.