Does Visionaire work with windows 10? It gives error "init failed..." [SOLVED]

  • #1, by AkcayKaraazmakSunday, 06. September 2015, 18:46 9 years ago
    Hello there,

    Anybody knows that if Visionaire works with windows 10? I tried my game on windows 10 and it gives this error " init failed, could not load game. There is no game file or the game file is corrupted" ... I tried the game Stasis on windows 10 which also made with Visionaire as you all know and it also gave the same error.

    Any ideas?

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  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 06. September 2015, 18:50 9 years ago
    Yes... Visionaire supposedly works with Windows 10, but there are some known errors, however I don't personally know what said errors are.

    Oh er... I think you need to right click & set the compatibility mode to windows xp, 7 or 8. Something along those lines for it to work on Windows 10 correctly.

    In regards to your other thread: you should export windows build from a windows machine & the mac build from a mac machine. I'm not sure what the best machine to export ios or android would be.


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  • #3, by AkcayKaraazmakMonday, 07. September 2015, 09:57 9 years ago
    Hi Lee, thank you!!! For windows 10, as you wrote, I changed the compatibility to win8 and then it worked smile ... Its an Lenova, ultrabook with a small size screen and game doesnt shown in full-screen mode, I think its because screen resolution doesnt support 1080p. But at least it worked. Cheers! smile

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  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 07. September 2015, 11:31 9 years ago
    I'm also using a Lenovo (I don't know what an ultrabook is - mine's a 15.6" lenovo g505s with a max resolution of 1366x768px). VS automatically scales the surface area of the game up or down to 1366x768 or to 1080p when I use my secondary hd monitor as my primary.

    Is Windows 10 any good? I heard it was a bit shitty! Then again I heard the same thing about pretty much every version of windows since win '98. grin

    P.S: I added a note to the player FAQ page in the wiki in regards to Windows 10.


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  • #5, by AkcayKaraazmakMonday, 07. September 2015, 15:41 9 years ago
    Maybe this ultranbook is ultra small thats why it messes the hd resolution games grin

    10 is better then 8 but I think for me the best is windows 7. All my production pc s are win7 smile

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  • #6, by afrlmeMonday, 07. September 2015, 19:18 9 years ago
    Personally I would still be using Windows '98; well if it wasn't so old & was still supported. I'm on windows 8.1 on this laptop as I hated the tile system of windows 8, which was useless to me as this laptops monitor isn't touchscreen & I prefer the more classic desktop & start menu. To be honest I think I prefer the mac layout > much cleaner than windows.


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  • #7, by TrumRoomThursday, 29. September 2016, 17:28 8 years ago
    Hi! This is my first time writing (not reading) in the forum. I made a graphic adventure one year ago (Carol Coral's: Open the Door with Visionaire and now I realize that it has this problem, and it's not solved changing the compatibility mode. Any of you is having the same problem? any solution? Thanks


    2 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeThursday, 29. September 2016, 18:02 8 years ago
    Does it work ok on other versions of windows? Have they tried updating GPU drivers? Did you export the game on a windows machine or mac? Did you export it from Visionaire Studio 4.2.5? How did you compile your game (did you compile everything into the main vis file or did you export each thing individually? I'm talking about scenes, characters, interfaces, videos, etc).

    I'm still on windows 8.1 so I can't really help you with troubleshooting beyond the questions I asked above. Maybe SimonS will be able to provide you with a solution when he sees this message...


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  • #9, by TrumRoomFriday, 30. September 2016, 10:41 8 years ago
    Hi, thanks for the fast answer. It does work on other versions of windows. I exported the game in a mac with Visionaire 4.1. I compile everything into the main file.
    Someone told me that it is working if you drag and drop the game to the Visplayer, I will test it, but I think it's an inconvenient solution.


    2 Posts

  • #10, by afrlmeFriday, 30. September 2016, 12:02 8 years ago
    Do you have a windows machine laying around or a VM such as Parallels installed or Windows available via Bootcamp? I really recommend exporting the game for windows on a windows machine. You could also try updating VS to the latest version (we are at 4.2.5) which is a lot less buggy than 4.1 to my knowledge.


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  • #11, by jmbmSunday, 02. October 2016, 12:50 8 years ago
    Hi, thanks for the fast answer. It does work on other versions of windows. I exported the game in a mac with Visionaire 4.1. I compile everything into the main file.
    Someone told me that it is working if you drag and drop the game to the Visplayer, I will test it, but I think it's an inconvenient solution.

    Drag and Drop the *.vis file to the player works just fine. But if you take a look at the messages.log it seems like the player looks at the wrong place for the config.ini.

    12:40:23: Error: can't open file 'C:\Users\*\AppData\Local/Trum Room/Carol Coral's: Open The Door/config.ini'

    Because of that i don't think that this is a Windows 10-problem (changing the compatibly mode doesn't work for me). Seems like Visionaire just set a wrong path there. But i tried some other vis-games and never had this problem before. Have you tried to recompile it with a newer version?


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