Display text next to Scene Objects

  • #1, by SharikuThursday, 09. January 2014, 11:14 12 years ago
    The game i'm working on is currently done in a first person perspective. As such, there is no main character for Display text to follow round the screen and any text currently displays in the top left corner by default. While this works okay for me, i'm wondering if there's a way for the display Text to show up by each scene object instead.

    I know there's the 'Display Object Text'/'Hide Object text' action but this seems to leave the text hanging on the screen after it's finished and doesn't seem to rely on mouse clicking to get rid of it.

    Is there an option to have the 'display text' action display the text by the Scene object it relates to, or is this always dependent on characters?

    Thanks in advance.


    5 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 09. January 2014, 11:33 12 years ago
    use display speaker text - also found under miscellaneous - as it's actually narration text & can be absolutely positioned anywhere on screen.

    normal display text under characters is spoken text & is always shown above the characters head who is speaking unless you use some hooks in Lua script to force it to a new position.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by SharikuThursday, 09. January 2014, 12:27 12 years ago
    Huzzah, that's perfect (and in plain sight...). Thank you.


    5 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 09. January 2014, 13:33 12 years ago
    Huzzah, that's perfect (and in plain sight...). Thank you.

    Ahh a fellow Briton. I think you've been watching a wee bit too much POTC mate! & no problem wink


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by scotthSunday, 27. April 2014, 00:48 11 years ago
    I have a related question.
    Say I've set up a character value such as CharacterHealth = 100
    and through a small battle, CharacterHealth is now 75
    Is there a simple way via actions to show that value?


    13 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSunday, 27. April 2014, 02:28 11 years ago
    yeah you can display integer or string of a value in any of the displayed text types.... character > display text, misc > display narration text, and misc > display object text.

    inside of the text you add you can call values into the text like so:

    • <v=value_name> -- displays integer (number) of linked value
    • <vs=value_name> -- displays string (text) of linked value

    You could of course use Lua & animations & control the animation frames to permanently display the health on the screen. Or you could even create a progress bar based on the volume slider script.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by scotthSunday, 27. April 2014, 04:59 11 years ago
    Exactly what I needed, thanks!
    Will ultimately hope to add something more sophisticated but baby steps for now...
    New to both Visionaire and LUA.


    13 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeSunday, 27. April 2014, 05:50 11 years ago
    no problem! it's Lua not LUA. It's an actual word, not an acronym. The heading in the menu on the left is incorrect. wink



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