Display text in Japanese?

  • #1, by splatypusSunday, 03. November 2019, 08:23 5 years ago
    Hello everyone.

    I have recently started to use Visionaire Studio, and I love it.
    But I do have an issue that could be... well, a real issue.

    I can't write any Japanese inside the text boxes.
    Whenever I try to write in Japanese, absolutely nothing appears.
    My main goal being to make educational games to teach Japanese to students, this is quite vital to me.

    Am I missing something? Is this a bug? Would adding Japanese characters support be a possibility in a near future?
    I was about to buy the license, so I really hope something can be done about it.

    PS : I did download ARIALUNI.ttf and installed it, as said in the link below, but it doesn't seem to work... unless I've missed some step.


    8 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 03. November 2019, 11:43 5 years ago
    A'llo, you could try this font. It's a large download mind @ 1.1 GB. The font apparently covers all languages, including Chinese, Japanese, & Korean, which is why it's so large.

    Quick note: if you scroll down the page I linked you can download the individual fonts. Install them on your machine - you will probably need to distribute them with your game too when you export it.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by splatypusSunday, 03. November 2019, 14:12 5 years ago
    Thank you for your help.

    I tried to download the JP fonts (2 of them), and I installed each of the files inside, but...
    it still doesn't work.

    Is there anything to do software-wise?

    Once again, my problem is not that I cannot read the Japanese words I wrote inside the text box.
    Whenever I press a key in Japanese, absolutely nothing happens. Visionaire isn't aware of any key I press while my keyboard is in Japanese mode.
    (I've uploaded a picture to show that my computer does have the fonts installed)


    8 Posts

  • #4, by SimonSSunday, 03. November 2019, 17:40 5 years ago
    Hi the editor looks for the "ARIALUNI.ttf" in the Windows/Fonts folder. It should include Japanese, I could get it to display japanese codes.
     The font file should be 23MB big. Like this one: https://freefontsdownload.net/free-arial-unicode-ms-font-369...

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  • #5, by splatypusMonday, 04. November 2019, 01:16 5 years ago
    Thanks again.

    Yet... it doesn't work.
    As you can see on the picture, ARIALUNI is installed (the name is automatically updated to Arial Unicode MS Normal when installed), but I still can't write Japanese on Visionaire. I press the keys, and my computer doesn't notice it.

    I tried to reinstall Visionaire, and nothing changed.

    If you did manage to display Japanese SimonS, then I guess I must have done something wrong, but honestly, I don't see what, since those are fairly easy steps to follow...

    EDIT : would it be possible that the "test version" of Visionaire doesn't support Japanese?
    That would explain why it works with you and not with me.


    8 Posts

  • #6, by SimonSMonday, 04. November 2019, 09:49 5 years ago
    Could you just try to copy paste some Japanese ? I think the text insertion was some that didn't work in the earlier versions of SDL, that is still in there.

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  • #7, by splatypusMonday, 04. November 2019, 09:59 5 years ago
    I did try to copy paste, and nothing happens.

    I also tried to do it on another computer, and just the same: copy/paste and typing just end the same, nothing appears.

    Here is some Japanese by the way (maybe that would make it easier for you to check it). I tried to copy paste it inside a display text action, but nothing appeared.


    Once again, thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it, and hope we can find a solution.


    8 Posts

  • #8, by SimonSMonday, 04. November 2019, 10:00 5 years ago
    Hm, the forum doesn't support it it seems, maybe you can direct me to a website where there is some.

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  • #9, by splatypusMonday, 04. November 2019, 10:22 5 years ago
    Here is one!


    (edit : new link easier to check)


    8 Posts

  • #10, by SimonSMonday, 04. November 2019, 10:53 5 years ago
    Works for me.
    I found another thing: The font must be registered in the registry in key:
    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts
    There is an entry for me: 
    Arial Unicode MS (TrueType)

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  • #11, by splatypusMonday, 04. November 2019, 11:48 5 years ago
    Wow, thank you so much!

    I don't know much about Hkey, so I'm going to check how it works and give it a try.

    But knowing you could display it is actually a relief. Then it should work.


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