In the example in your screenshot is no option what the engine should do, when the value = 1. So the code stops there and none of your texts gets triggered. And you have two option what to do when the value is > 1 or >2. That doesn't work because a value >2 will allways also be >1, so the second if querry (>2) will never get triggerd. You could use = instead of >.
Only in the last querry you should use >= (equal or greater). Or just use else.
If value "Examination" = 0
display text1
else if value "Examination" = 1
display text 2
else if value "Examination" = 2
display text 3
else (or: else if value "Examination" >= 3 )
display text 4
end if
set value "Examinateion" +1