Dialogue exiting when using (If value 'Example' =5)

  • #1, by DilatedFriday, 16. May 2014, 20:27 11 years ago
    Hey guys, I'm sure this is a simple fix, and I'm being stupid, but unfortunately I can't seem to get it to work.

    Basically I've set up a dialogue so when a character exhausts all dialogue parts, it then displays text by character.

    So the way I have done it is. Each dialogue part has an action [Value 'Example'+1] and then [If value 'example'=5] - Display text by character.
    So in theory once you choose all the options the value will add up to 5 and will play 'display text by character' action. This way whatever option you choose it will trigger the action part if the value =5. However this just exits the dialogue for some reason. I tried removing the 'display text by character' also the +1 value. But it appears its the 'if value 'Example'= 5 ' causing it to exit the dialogue.

    Thanks for any help guys.

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  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 16. May 2014, 20:52 11 years ago
    can you post some screenshots please? so we can get a better idea of what you are saying.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by DilatedSaturday, 17. May 2014, 03:19 11 years ago
    Sorry, hopefully this makes more sense.


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  • #4, by afrlmeSaturday, 17. May 2014, 03:41 11 years ago
    hmm only thing I can see there really is that you haven't closed off the if query with an "end if"... Instead of adding that to each one, why not create a called by other action containing...
    value "get_me_that_head" + 1
    if value "get_me_that_head" >= 5
     display text ...
    end if

    then just call the action inside of each dialog part action instead.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by DilatedSaturday, 17. May 2014, 10:57 11 years ago
    Thanks mate, that did the trick!

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