Dialogue Designer, JSON-Formate und Visionaire!?

  • #1, by normanFriday, 17. April 2020, 16:26 5 years ago
    Hallo zusammen. Dies its mein erster Breitrag hier im Forum und vielleicht könnt ihr mir zu meiner Frage helfen.

    Ich habe kürzlich den Dialogue Designer gefunden. Besser gesagt, er wurde mir heute für mein projekt empfohlen smile
    Laut Angaben des Entwicklers exportiert er JSON-Files, die man in "jeder Engine" benutzen kann. So wurde es mir präsentiert.

    Kennt ihr das Tool und kann ich diese Files wirklich in Visionaire (...jede Engine ^^) importieren und damit nutzen?

    Oder würdet ihr vielleicht sogar davon abraten und warum?

    Danke für brauchbare Antworten.

    BÄSSten Gruß,


    3 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 17. April 2020, 17:38 5 years ago
    Any game engine that supports it - not every game game engine.

    Articy Draft is probably the most well known game development planner - can be a bit pricey though, & VS doesn't have support for importing data from that either. Visionaire uses XML data, not JSON.

    I see that the app you mentioned hasn't actually even been released yet.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by normanFriday, 17. April 2020, 19:16 5 years ago
    The release on Steam is still awaited. That's right. You can buy that tool right now here, but not on Steam: https://radmatt.itch.io/dialogue-designer

    I only discovered the dialogue designer today and found the presentation very nice. It's a pity that we can't work with it in VS. This would obviously solve this tread.

    Thanks a lot....


    3 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 17. April 2020, 19:20 5 years ago
    VS is fairly visual, so you would be creating your dialogs in VS anyway. Once you've created all of them for one language you could then export them to csv format for translating, & once translated you would import that file again to add the new dialogs - though you could also sort the translations out in the editor at the same time you had the VO dialogs - if you already have the translations, that is.

    Anyway, cheers for linking the app as it's one I've not heard of before. smile

    I personally use articy draft & yEd myself. articy draft isn't free, but yEd is - it's a nice mind mapping app for creating flowcharts.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by normanFriday, 17. April 2020, 20:02 5 years ago
    Our game will be released in German and English. Two languages can still be handeled in VS quite easily. I was more interested in the software to deal with the story progressions. Nothing is worse than logic gaps in the story ^^

    External software that can monitor this may be suitable for this purpose. So far I have not found a suitable software where you don't have to do all the work twice.


    3 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeFriday, 17. April 2020, 20:58 5 years ago
    I would definitely say articy draft is the best software when it comes to planning things out. It has nodes, & dialog/script editor, & lots of other features, but unfortunately we have no support for importing the data into VS.

    Then again you could just use yEd or other free mind mapping apps if all you are after is a node based system to plan out dialog trees, puzzle progression, story progression, etc.


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