design resolution

  • #1, by kobinurFriday, 07. March 2014, 20:19 11 years ago
    I'm new to this engine (and creating games at general, actually). i want my game to run on 1080*1920 resolution, but also on lower resolutions. so should i make the background and character for 1080*1920? wouldn't the characters look huge in lower res? and the background won't cut out?


    7 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSFriday, 07. March 2014, 20:28 11 years ago
    Hi, if you make your game with 1920x1080 (width x height) it will be scaled completely to lower resolutions, it's like if you make a screenshot of the game and size it down with photoshop. It will be completely like the full resolution only with less pixels.

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #3, by kobinurFriday, 07. March 2014, 20:36 11 years ago
    thanks, that's what i was hoping to hear.


    7 Posts