definition scripts?

  • #10, by afrlmeSaturday, 14. December 2013, 23:58 12 years ago
    the complications I had in mind were that if you were to use a pause value of say 60 minutes, then if you quit the game & then re-opened it & loaded the game then it would not resume from the where the pause time left off, it would restart from the beginning which is why it would be more ideal to use seconds or minutes & store the current time inside of a value which would allow you to pick up from where you left off. Also if you liked, you could add a condition to prevent timer from working if current scene is a menu or during a cut-scene or whatever.

    *edit: it's late now but I will try & sort you out an example the morrow.


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  • #11, by AlexSunday, 15. December 2013, 15:30 12 years ago
    the complications I had in mind were that if you were to use a pause value of say 60 minutes, then if you quit the game & then re-opened it & loaded the game then it would not resume from the where the pause time left off, it would restart from the beginning

    no, that shouldn't be the case (as far as I can remember). Unless there is a bug of course. I'll check this.

    But after all I would like to know what is the practical difference between using Call actions inside the "Start action" in compare to "definition scripts"? Are there any significant differences?

    the actions are easy to define (GUI) while for scripting at least some basic programming skills are necessary. Scripting is more flexible but most of the tasks should be possible without scripting, that depends.

    And my last question is how exactly the "Pause" actionpart works? I mean would it make difference for player with a strong computer and player with a slow computer? Can I really use "Pause" like a reliable timer feature?

    the pause action part has a granulartiy of ~20ms (or less if the computer is slower). Internally every action is executed once per main loop. If there is a pause action part the engine checks if the passed time is > pause and then decides if the following action parts are executed or if execution is stopped until next main loop check.

    Great Poster

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