Default commands and cursors

  • #10, by afrlmeSunday, 03. December 2017, 16:59 7 years ago
    You don't need to define an object area for everything, only for the things you want the player to interact with.


    7285 Posts

  • #11, by JorkzSunday, 03. December 2017, 17:11 7 years ago
    Yes of course, I know that... And in this scene (for example) the character only does't interact with tables and chairs. I want other things 100 % interactive ^^

    However how to proceed to define a area that allows the character going in another scene (especially when it's the border of the screen and when there is no object around) ?
    Is my solution (an empty object) correct ?

    But now I explain my issue, I realise your settings actually doesn't stop the character to go on an object point...

    EDIT : And so is not a problem (when it's not an empty object)
    Sorry I encounter difficulties to translate the issue :/


    90 Posts

  • #12, by afrlmeSunday, 03. December 2017, 19:51 7 years ago
    This is where adding prefixes to your object names could come in handy.

    obj_  interactable scene object
    img_ non-interactable image linked to a scene object
    anim_ non-interactable animation linked to a scene object
    itm_ an item in the scene that can be picked up
    pos_ start position of player/npc character
    poi_ scene object that can only be examined
    exit_ an exit/entrance from/to another scene or close-up scene

    Instead of the example I gave you with the action parts you could use Lua script to check that the current object is empty or doesn't contain any prefixes in the object name then it will only register for the scene objects that you want the character to walk to.

    Technically you can void out commands in each scene object manually too by creating execute a command (immediate) type actions for each command & not adding any action parts to them.  They should prevent the character from walking to the scene object you click on.


    7285 Posts

  • #13, by JorkzSunday, 03. December 2017, 20:52 7 years ago
    Technically you can void out commands in each scene object manually too by creating execute a command (immediate) type actions for each command & not adding any action parts to them. They should prevent the character from walking to the scene object you click on.
    Yeah, thank you !! It's working...
    I also did that in the mouse properties for the left and double click, after the settings you posted first.... and now there is no animation while the click.


    90 Posts