Default commands and cursors

  • #1, by JorkzFriday, 01. December 2017, 17:10 7 years ago
    So I choose to make a game with a Sam&Max cursor (left click for the command, and right to change / scroll cursors (default/arrow , take, examine, talk))

    The problem is when I'm using the cursor take, examine or talk... The soft interpreted these commands like a default command... Then for example when I left click with a talk cursor my current character is walking to the point.

    However I disable "Activate standard command" to "never" in he game properties.

    I wish default command with walking effect will be only actived for the cursor "arrow".



    90 Posts

  • #2, by JorkzSunday, 03. December 2017, 07:50 7 years ago
    I now understand what is the point about the "activate standard command" and it has nothing to do with my initial problem. :/

    Cannot anyone help me ?



    90 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeSunday, 03. December 2017, 13:11 7 years ago
    Try something like this. Link the if current command action part to your walk command action part.

    What we are doing in the screenshot is checking if no item exists under the mouse cursor on click & then checking if the current command isn't walk & if it isn't we are cancelling out the character destination with the stop character action part.


    7283 Posts

  • #4, by JorkzSunday, 03. December 2017, 13:34 7 years ago
    Yeah thank you again !!
    It works a little bit... because when I'm clicking on an empty object (here, an empty object with a "false" conditon for starting the game at this place) The character even go to the point.


    90 Posts

  • #5, by JorkzSunday, 03. December 2017, 13:36 7 years ago
    ...and more, the current character is starting the walking animation while a little msecond.


    90 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSunday, 03. December 2017, 13:38 7 years ago
    Can you post a screenshot please. Only scene objects that you create object area (interaction polygons) for should be detected by the mouse cursor. Anything else except characters should return nil/empty.


    7283 Posts

  • #7, by JorkzSunday, 03. December 2017, 13:54 7 years ago

    EDIT: there is a "error" windows" when I try to send my screenshot here


    90 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeSunday, 03. December 2017, 14:09 7 years ago
    I recommend using something like gyazo for screenshots.


    7283 Posts

  • #9, by JorkzSunday, 03. December 2017, 14:09 7 years ago


    90 Posts

  • #10, by JorkzSunday, 03. December 2017, 16:52 7 years ago
    Anyway it's the same issue with some "empty" items that are just drawn in the background picture ( only an action aera )...

    For example If I left click on the object with the command "take", the carracter is going to this point...

    Even with your settings.


    90 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeSunday, 03. December 2017, 16:59 7 years ago
    You don't need to define an object area for everything, only for the things you want the player to interact with.


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