Copy-paste actions bug

  • #1, by fulviovSunday, 15. February 2015, 19:18 10 years ago
    Note: I am experiencing this issue on Mac, I am not sure if it's also present in the Windows version.
    I have a couple of action sequences that I usually copy/paste from one scene to another, like on mouse over events that will change the cursor when it's over some scene objects.
    This causes a very erratic behaviour: sometimes when going back on certain scenes, the actions are repeated multiple times. (I can see "Set cursor 'ARROW'" six or seven times in a sequence, for example)
    When deleting the extra ones, they disappear from other scenes as well, sometimes deleting even the first one (so that I have to recreate it)
    This is very frustrating, because every once in a while I have to go trough all scenes to make sure there are no missing or duplicated actions on every single object.

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  • #2, by LebosteinSunday, 15. February 2015, 19:25 10 years ago

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  • #3, by fulviovSunday, 15. February 2015, 19:31 10 years ago
    Yes, seems like this is indeed the issue!
    I am not sure how to proceed at this point, doing all these actions manually would take me ages.
    Maybe it's a good idea to hold on all the copy/paste actions until a new version of Visionaire is out, hopefully it won't be long roll

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