Content disappearing, what might be the cause?

  • #1, by tinynainySunday, 25. May 2014, 14:06 11 years ago
    Hey there smile

    I finally started putting up a beta for my game and i immediately encountered a problem which I have yet no idea how to overcome.

    I create a game file in my game root folder where all the content is located, I create a character, load all the animations, save the game and exit VS. I load it again and content that i loaded isn't there anymore. Even the frames for the animation and animation centers are there but no graphics.

    What can be the cause? I read that this might happen when the game file is not located in the root folder of my project, but that's not the case - it goes like:

    ../PRPT/game.ved file

    Appreciate any input.


    9 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 25. May 2014, 14:17 11 years ago
    any errors mentioned in the visedit or messages log files?

    are you on windows? mac? which os are you running? which editor version? etc...


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by tinynainySunday, 25. May 2014, 14:27 11 years ago
    Now that you mention it, lots of errors in the log about not being able to open files that i'm missing in the project

    Along the lines of:

    17:50:37: Error: Failed to open 'characters\Main character\sprites\ch1\walk\up\ch_walk_up_01.png' for reading (error 3: the system cannot find the path specified.)
    17:50:37: Error: Failed to retrieve file times for 'characters\Main character\sprites\ch1\walk\up\ch_walk_up_01.png' (error 5: access is denied.)

    I'm on windows 8 64x, using freeware version of VS 4.0.

    Hm, does it handle spaces well? Can the "Main character" be an issue?


    9 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 25. May 2014, 14:50 11 years ago
    I believe filename bugs were supposed to be fixed in the RC version that came out a couple weeks back. I always join filenames up with _underscores - to be on the safe side - but it shouldn't really be an issue.

    access denied?

    is the project folder located in program files or somewhere that windows doesn't like? i.e: somewhere that requires admin access? I created a folder on my desktop in which I create/add project root folders to.

    Are you running the beta or RC version of Visionaire Studio 4.0?
    The new freeware RC version has a 10 scene limit cap, the beta version has no limit & comes with ttf font support.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by tinynainySunday, 25. May 2014, 14:57 11 years ago
    I think the access denied error is a consequence of the path error, at least it's the only explanation because i have no access limitations and i work under the only admin account smile

    I am using the RC version, downloaded it just yesterday smile Gonna buy a license soon.

    I'm gonna do it all over again with a fixed path without any spaces and report back. Glad i figured it out before i've actually gone too far, haha.


    9 Posts

  • #6, by tinynainySunday, 25. May 2014, 16:20 11 years ago
    So i tried it out and it seems like that definitely was the issue, so I guess spaces in paths are still not working smile Camel case it is then.


    9 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeSunday, 25. May 2014, 16:42 11 years ago
    nice one. it's always best to add underscores & dashes to join up file names anyway. same goes for naming things inside the vs editor too, as it's useful/safer for when/if you want to access the object via lua script.


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