Character disappears when getting close to Way borders

  • #1, by JoelThursday, 29. October 2015, 23:05 10 years ago
    Hi there!

    I'm working on my first small game. It's fairly Low Res (320 x 180) so i'm not sure if that maybe gives Visionaire a hard time ironically.

    The problem i'm encountering is, that whenever my character is walking up or down, and "touches" the way borders on the background he disappears. He's still active though, i can click anywhere on the background and as soon as he gets away from the borders, he's there again. Funnily, this only happens with the up or down animations. If he walks along the wall in the side one, he doesn't vanish.

    The other quesiton i have is about the speed when using gliding. I played around with the speed settings, but the walking speed seems to be only changing with the up and down animations as well. The sideways one always stays the same speed (i mean the gliding speed, not the animation speed). Any ideas?



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  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 30. October 2015, 00:26 10 years ago
    Could be a layer order issue. Try clicking the double yellow arrow icon on the scene toolbar for each scene. It will automatically organize your scene objects according to their object center values (z-index). Visionaire Studio requires the objects to be drawn in the correct order otherwise there can sometimes be strange side effects.


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  • #3, by JoelFriday, 30. October 2015, 09:09 10 years ago
    Thanks for the tip but it unfortunately doesn't make any difference. I only got one Scene so far. Still disappearing whenever i walk up or down roll

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  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 30. October 2015, 11:42 10 years ago
    Would you be willing to send me the ved & resource files? It would certainly help me determine the issue faster as to whether it's engine related or human error.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by JoelFriday, 30. October 2015, 13:25 10 years ago
    Of course, luckily it's very small due to the low resolution. I'll send it as soon as i'm home smile Thanks!

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  • #6, by afrlmeFriday, 30. October 2015, 14:27 10 years ago
    No problem. smile


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  • #7, by JoelFriday, 30. October 2015, 15:33 10 years ago
    There you go, i uploaded a .zip File to my Google Drive. (It's really just supposed to be a short test game and proof of concept for bigger things so i don't mind sharing it publicly wink)

    Thanks again!

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  • #8, by afrlmeFriday, 30. October 2015, 17:12 10 years ago
    It's because you didn't add any animation frames to the front or back idle (standing) animation for the character.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by JoelFriday, 30. October 2015, 18:37 10 years ago
    *Smacks himself*

    D'uh, that was easy. Sorry, complete beginner here but thank you so much! I always want her to return to the 3/4 idle so i thought if i leave front and back empty, Visionaire will automatically choose either left or right.

    What about the travelling (gliding) distance though? Do i really have to go in and adjust these little boxes in the Animation Editor (with the footsteps button)? I thought it might ignore that completely and just tween a certain amount of pixels every frame.

    Thanks again you've been a big help smile Sorry for any future Noob questions which will most certainly arise.

    Love the engine though!

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  • #10, by tristan-kangFriday, 30. October 2015, 19:32 10 years ago
    I think I wrote these lines on someone's thread.

    But it's a good answer I guess.

    If you stuck at some point that you can't figure out how to solve. Then it's easier and faster to look up the projects in the main webpage. There are total 4 games and you can download their projects and look inside what actions are located within the games so you can clearly understand it while testing their games.

    I recommend Magical Potion one because it's more polished than others.

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  • #11, by JoelFriday, 30. October 2015, 19:35 10 years ago
    I will, thank you wink I just had to make some starting sense of it all or i wouldn't have understood ANYTHING but now i feel i can take a look at the other projects and get a bit a clearer picture smile

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