Chance to test the export before buying?

  • #1, by NormalUserWednesday, 07. October 2015, 22:14 10 years ago
    Hi there,
    i build a small test game the last days all using VS on Linux. I got VS stable enough now on Linux, so i am willing to give you guys my money. smile
    There is just one last test the software has to pass. The export.

    Is there any chance to test this before i buy it?



    24 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 07. October 2015, 22:25 10 years ago
    No sorry. If you send me the ved & resource files then I can export for any platform you want - well, windows, mac or linux at least (although I've never tried exporting for Linux before).


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by tristan-kangWednesday, 07. October 2015, 22:39 10 years ago
    I can try the game if you want to share. smile

    Great Poster

    267 Posts

  • #4, by NormalUserThursday, 08. October 2015, 00:38 10 years ago
    Hey guys thanks for the offer to test but you guys testing my game is not the point, the point is testing if VS can export on my Linux system to all three desktop target systems.

    Is it maybe possible to buy a key and get the money back if it's not working?


    24 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeThursday, 08. October 2015, 01:05 10 years ago
    You will have to ask Thomas (Marvel) about purchasing & refunds. By the way it will take up to 48 hours after you purchase a license before you receive it as Thomas generates a unique user key for each customer by hand somehow. It usually takes less than 24 hours, although it depends on how busy he is.


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by marvelThursday, 08. October 2015, 12:53 10 years ago
    Hi NormalUser, unfortunately it's not possible to buy/get a license and then return it for a refund. For testing we have a free version and very kind users who help and support smile

    All the best, Thomas

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #7, by NormalUserSaturday, 10. October 2015, 11:37 10 years ago
    Hey Thomas,
    your are right, there are a lot of kind users in your community.

    Unfortunately no one but a license key can help me with this. How is anybody else supposed to be able to help testing me the export on my machine, in my environment? wink


    24 Posts

  • #8, by loro-gamesSaturday, 10. October 2015, 16:49 10 years ago
    I can understand that but to be honest it's a pretty usual method to block the export function in a trial version. Most developers do that with their applications.


    64 Posts

  • #9, by afrlmeSaturday, 10. October 2015, 17:43 10 years ago
    It's a case of risking it. €49 for indie license is pretty cheap. Alternatively play a very active role in contributing to the community (resources, tutorials, help, etc) or win the next competition or try to get on the VS team if you don't want to pay for a license. All of those roads are easier said than done though!

    Extra alternative: buy a windows machine or mac (although mac build is currently not as stable as the windows build) although either one will cost you an arm & a leg in comparison to one of the indie licenses.

    Originally VS had no asset restrictions prior to 4.0 & the only limitation was that you could not export your game. The asset restriction is more of an incentive to try to get people to purchase the software as anyone who creates 10 scenes is probably actually going to bother using the software as opposed to those who only make a few scenes & don't bother opening up the program in a while.

    The build system though is not included in the evaluation version at all, as it is there to prevent users from compiling & distributing their games without purchasing a license.

    In regards to the licenses... all the paid licenses use the same build. There is no difference in builds based on the license you purchase, although having said that, someone who purchases one of the top tier licenses is more likely to receive team builds of the editor / player if they ask for them (as & when they are available), than those using the indie licenses.


    7285 Posts

  • #10, by ke4Saturday, 10. October 2015, 18:05 10 years ago
    Theoretically you don't need to export it on your machine. You can export it on another PC when you are finnished, alternatively there are people willing to export it for you if you are willing to send them your recources.

    Either way i can't see why it shouldn't work ( when everything else works for you ) I think it's worth a risk when the indie license is really not that expensive.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #11, by NormalUserSaturday, 10. October 2015, 18:32 10 years ago
    Hi guys,
    thx for the replies but i am not buying anything before i know it works. It's ok tho, i am not complaining, it's just how it is.


    24 Posts