Can't use multiple particle systems anymore?

  • #1, by fabian-schurgersMonday, 13. January, 13:56 A month ago
    Hi there,

    I used to be able to use multiple particle systems on a location, to create multiple lights.

    But now, I don't seem to be able to do that anymore. I can add only one particle system to a scene, and that's it. (See picture)

    Is this because of an update, or am I doing something horribly wrong?


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  • #2, by fabian-schurgersMonday, 13. January, 16:39 A month ago
    Strange, but now I can select an object to attach a particle system to.

    And now it works. Guess I did something wrong, but the first time, I did not get a list of objects to attach anything to.

    Glad it works though!

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